
Clearly I have a heart of stone, but the misspellings are killing me. I don't know that I could marry someone whose grammar/spelling was that bad. It ruins the romance for me. (I mean, that and another commenter mentioned he was an adulterer and womanizer).

This won't PASS will it? I mean, someone tell me it has no chance of passing, please. Because it is CRAZY.

Ok, I'm going to wade in and I hope I'm expressing myself well and not opening myself up to flaming. This seems to be a sensitive topic.

This goes back to judges making a lot of medical decisions in our country, from abortion rights to end of life situations. I don't like it. I think the family and the doctors should be the ones at the wheel and, except in extreme situations where one of those parties has gone off the rails in terms of being

There is a shortage of adult lungs. That's why adults are in line for transplants too. The shortage is less severe, but adults die waiting for transplants too. I feel sorry for this girl and her parents, but I also feel sorry for the adult (or, possibly, 14 year old child) that didn't get lungs because she did. I

Oh, I love me some Elderscrolls. I don't play a lot of games, because I find shooter games boring, but that is a series I always make a point to buy.

Yuck. This is the real benefit of interning - meeting and hopefully impressing people who will then take a chance on hiring you for real. Problem is, not all internships are at companies where they even have open slots to hire people into. The interns just replace paid employees. Real internships at companies that

Ugh. I so sympathize. I want to make a lateral move in my industry, to a related but not identical job, and it's SO hard because you have to already have been doing that exact job for years before they'll give you a chance. So I'm continuing on my path instead for now, even though it's not exactly what I want to do,

Agreed. Short of actual nudity, I think people should basically be able to dress how they want, even when I think it looks dumb. I mean, I will happily side eye anyone actually dressed like this, but it should in no way be illegal.

I don't think those words are comparable at all. From the research I've done since this has come up it's clear that in Europe the word is more loaded than in America. There is currently a show on Nat Geo called "American Gypsies." The Smithsonian Museum, not exactly a hate group, describes various traveling groups as

Thanks. I appreciate your input and the fact that you delivered it calmly. I am much more aware of it now since the whole issue came up and I would never now call someone else a gypsy (even if I meant it flatteringly) now that I know it's sometimes a slur. I just don't necessarily think calling MYSELF a gypsy is so

How many songs, movies, etc use the word gypsy in them? I have never heard it used as a slur in my life. Until the name thing, no one ever even mentioned it being a slur. And I actually researched this after missmeow attacked me and it seems like even in the Romani community there is some discussion about whether the

It has multiple meanings. I know it can refer to the Romani people (and I didn't realize it was a negative reference at all). But the way I thought of it, and the way I used it, was just as a traveler, nomad, etc. The word has never had anything but positive connotations for me. Which is why I was quite taken aback

Just to weigh in, I call myself a mutt, since there are about a million countries mixed together in my ethnic background, and never thought twice about it. So I don't think it was a racist comment and didn't read it as one. But online things can get real sensitive, real quick. I had one person completely go off on me

Of course you're not required to do any of these things. The point I'm making however, is that a man who WANTS to have both a family and a career doesn't have to negotiate time off for childbirth to do so. The point I'm making, which I think if you weren't looking for an argument for some reason you'd understand, is

Ha, I had the same thought! Hopefully between washes?

That's true. It just makes me sad, since I would hope women above anybody would understand the extra challenges of balancing work and family, challenges that are often easier for men (since they don't have to, for example, negotiate time off for childbirth).

Really? It's a knee length, high-necked dress. Do you want women to wear burkas?

Ugh. Clicked through to the link and it was a female professor that had refused to let her make up her work. Somehow I would have expected a female professor to kind of understand that labor and delivery =/= skipping class.

Lol, my thought too. I'm 5'2. The thought of 5'9 being considered petite is pretty funny, but I guess if you're 6'2 than it's fair. If only she could give me a few of her inches! But seriously, "I do not think I'm better than anyone" - she is better than the people posting asshole comments on her twitter about her