
Agreed. He can afford to pay for it, and he has the connections that (if it's any good) he can get a studio to pay for it. Kickstarter should be used for smaller projects where the producers genuinely need the financial help.

Her pregnancy fashion is improving as time goes on. I don't LOVE this look, but it's a lot better than some of her earlier attempts. Though, regardless, even when she wasn't dressing wonderfully she is still an attractive person who looked fine.

I will say that I don't entirely believe the police officer's account. I'm not saying I necessarily dis-believe it but I'm reserving judgement. I know from personal experience that some police officers flat out lie on their reports to make themselves look better and whoever they are charging look at fault.

Eh. I read the article and she just seems to be saying she looks young because she lived life the way she wants to live it. She did drugs when she wanted then stopped at a certain point. She screams and yells when she wants to but apologizes when she needs to as well. She does come down a bit hard on marriage but

Prince Harry confuses me. I go from thinking he's totally cute to thinking he's like an annoying younger cousin who can't help getting himself in arrested at frat parties. Why does he have to keep putting his foot in his mouth? I mean, he KNOWS people are going to quote him on every stupid thing he says.

I actually prefer her with shorter hair I think. She looks very young and fresh.

Ah got it. Makes sense.

I was just going to ask that myself!

Ah, got it. Makes sense.

What is the difference between athletic and slender though? Because she's not particularly muscly that I can tell.

I get the impression she was talking about her body, not necessarily her face. Though plenty of women are totally gorgeous who aren't models or actresses. No reason to think her and her friends are not one of them. Not all pretty people decide to be in show biz :-)

How CAN we retrain our brains? I know that I feel ok about my body, but at my lightest I felt like I had a belly (size zero, clearly I was nuts) and now that I'm heavier I still do. When I try on clothes a big thing I look for is if I look skinny. Even though I actually consider myself to have a fairly healthy

It seems like a chin that lined up with your nose would stick out a lot. I'm having trouble picturing it as something to strive for. That said, there's probably plenty of people who have that trait that manage to totally rock it.

Ooohhh I hadn't noticed but it is pretty. I would also like that nail polish. Nail polish all around!

Agree. And if you happen to misjudge what someone would like to hear as a compliment, just apologize and move on. And remember it next time you feel like complimenting them so you don't offend them twice.

Totally. That is such a good way of putting it.

I'm not sure what's going on in YOUR life that you feel the need to lash out irrationally at a stranger on the internet, but whatever. If it so easy to "make you sick" I'm not sure how you manage to get around in the world day in and day out. You don't know anything about my life, my background, my experiences or my

I was basing the name off an alternative definition, "One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life." I like to travel. And I disagree that it is offensive and disgusting. You are presuming a definition that is completely wrong. Words can have more than one meaning.

Yeah, agreed. I'm 5'2 and look like the size 12 despite being a much smaller size.

I think she was just teasing, and not in a negative way. She is telling this woman she is NOT fat.