
I think height is a way bigger factor too. I think I look like the size 12 in that pic but am a 2. And I don't think I'm just totally deluded or body dismorphic; I think I look fine. I am really short though so I went from being able to wear kid sizes in high school/college to gaining some weight and now being a lot

Guys, I think she's either a troll or just really confrontational. I checked out her other comments and they are both judgemental/negative in tone.

While I may agree with your point, I hate that internet commentary ends up being so antagonistic. You could have made your point without being aggressive.

The thing about this is rather than getting (some) parents to help, I can totally see a child getting beaten or abused because he or she didn't get a good enough grade in school. Most parents care, some don't, and the ones that don't aren't going to magically become great parents because of this law. It will just be

I like that he picked a dog that matched his hair :-).

I don't know. Vronsky was a pretty good partner to Anna, though she got too jealous and insecure to really appreciate it. I mean, he liked doing his own thing sometimes but he treated her well and clearly loved her. And though I did like Levin for Kitty, I never liked that she basically had to be humbled into being

See, I read it more that Kitty was "punished" by the author for daring to turn down a viable proposal (Levin) by being rejected by the guy she really liked and going through a serious depression (apparently the women in this book were really prone to depression). It wasn't until she had been properly humbled that she

Point is, SeaAnemone was refuting that it can teach us what women want b/c it is only what marketers *think* they want. But women buy romance novels in droves. So I'm disagreeing with that point. If it wasn't what quite a few women wanted, it wouldn't be as successful a genre as it is. Women write it. Women read it.

I did the same. I got mine after becoming sexually active, but was still able to get it I didn't have the virus. So it's not necessarily too late as an adult, but it's obviously too late if you have the virus already.

But it's not marketers writing or buying the books.

Anna Karenina was portrayed as an adulterer and bad mother who is so unstable and jealous that kills herself at the end because she thinks her lover doesn't want her anymore, after throwing over her forgiving and somewhat weak husband. Which to me read as the author punishing her for daring to stray in her marriage. I

Yeah. Super offensive. I was just coming on to comment about that actually. I come to this website all the time, but headlines like this make me embarrassed about that.

Yes! :-)

I guess for me it was that I only did more because he wouldn't do his share and I didn't want to live in filth. And I was out working all day (more hours than him) and yet was also doing almost all the house stuff. Obviously splitting stuff up is fine and it's not being a servant if one person is in charge of one

Well, to be honest, I'm not a clean freak myself so I usually just do dishes and pick up after myself in the kitchen/throw my laundry in the hamper type things. No mopping or really intense cleaning except for every couple weeks. I just found with my ex he would leave empty plates and glasses and bottles everywhere,

I feel like for me it would be (and was) an issue in and off itself because housework is something that has to be done EVERY day and since both people create a mess it starts to feel really disrespectful when one person is becoming essentially the other person's servant for an hour or so a day. If it wasn't such a

Oh it is. It was one of the reasons for my ex and I's first (of many) breakups and why after that first breakup we never lived together again. He's a great guy but a slob and I decided I just couldn't deal with that any longer.

Agree that it's a bit misleading. Still great though - hopefully this time next year the ratio will be even better.

I can agree with that. We probably are just reading it differently. And as a somewhat reserved person, I like the advice of just getting out there and not fearing rejection so much.

It's hard to get to know someone as a fully functioning human being if you don't go up and talk to them and have some kind of initial contact. I think that's all she's saying. Not that everyone is going to be compatible or appropriate for you.