
Indeed. And the idea of waiting nicely to be a jerk makes me lol.

Geez, you're really pushing that blog today. Second post by you I've seen trying to get people there. And it doesn't even have anything to do with the actual article.

I hate people who are belligerently misinformed, so I'm planning on provocatively sipping a (single) glass of wine or beer at a restaurant when pregnant and then whipping out piles of research papers if challenged. I'm a jerk. And probably have too much time on my hands.

Maybe she knew her kids would be cared for but her dog would likely go to a shelter and be put down? Just speculating, but depending on the age/health/breed of the pet she may have been thinking it was for the dog's benefit.

Ugh agree. I HATE when people just sniff and sniff. This happens on the subway all the time and I swear I want to offer them tissues myself because it's way grosser to hear someone sniff every fifteen seconds than just blow their nose once every ten minutes.

I have allergies so there are times when I'm blowing my nose pretty frequently. Getting up six or seven times an hour to go to the bathroom just doesn't work. I get that it's a little gross, but when people are in class/meeting/etc. ducking out every five minutes just doesn't work.

I almost fell today entering a bar (it was snowing, not drunk or anything [yet]) and immediately apologized. The group standing by the door were like, 'why are you sorry, you almost fell!' and I felt stupid because yeah, they're right. Of course I shouldn't be sorry for slipping; that doesn't even make sense. And yet

Not true. I work in TV and we have to get signed consent not only to take, but then to be able to publish photos/footage. News are an exception - they can use photos/footage due to "fair use." But copyright on photos absolutely does exist, and does apply, and is not nullified by sending or showing the photo to