
I guess you have to wonder about filming schedules too. The stigs got all kinds of track time so maybe we need to compare to the very first season with each new Stig, but honestly any race car driver worth the title would be able to get the most out of that track with a road car inside an hour or so. So I’m not sure I

“Perhaps he didnt need to use all of the track.”

Agreed. But the external cuts that are all apex missing and not tracking out properly aren’t entertaining. None of these were internal shots. Go back and watch them again with this in mind. The difference is notable.

I mentioned the editing aspect in the original post. But either way, it suggests that the various stigs were better at producing more consistent lapping for the takes than Skinner was, because the shown footage was always more consistent and better. Because the alternative is that they were using the worst takes in

You use all the track because it is faster. A lot of times (in other cars) Skinner was giving up a lot at the left hander at the end of the (how do I describe this) access road behind the big hanger near the end of the lap. I noticed it a lot of times, and lots of time on the table still. Something I rarely saw with

Good. The character was terrible, and either they didn’t show his fastest lap on the show, or he left time on the track in most of the cars he drove. Even Ben Collins posted a few unsubtle tweets about it (some sour grapes, I’m sure) but The American didn’t seem to be getting everything out of those cars. Maybe they

Yeah, I just looked at the satellite view and it is 6 each way from Steeles down to the 401, which I had forgotten (the outer two each way are on/off lanes, though). But that’s only about 6 miles of the entire thing that’s like that, which is probably why my memory of it keeps it down as a much smaller highway. It

Er. The 400 is not 12 lanes wide at any point. You have your highways mixed up - you’re thinking of the 401.

I know the corkscrew very well. It’s just a corner - yes it’s blind, yes it’s tight but big deal honestly. The lack of track width is a bigger factor for overtaking there than anything else.

I just don’t get the hyperbole around a pass like that. It was a good, solid pass and significant in the ramifications of it. But it was nothing more special than a good, solid pass from a talented driver. Nothing ‘of the year’ or anything about it.

The sheer number of cars there is mindboggling. I started thinking just how much fuel it would take even to tow that many cars there. Or how much time it would take a single tow truck to fill it to that level. Head Assplosion.

It’s disappointing just how expensive these GT4 cars are turning out to be. May as well just call them GT3 cars while the budgets are doable, because GT3 are fast becoming ‘car shaped prototypes’. The constant upward creep of these supposedly capped classes means we’ll be looking at a GT5 soon (from TCR or something).

In what world do you think he would be driving a 1400hp four wheel drive car on stock tyres?

Ha! Did you read those articles, though? Only one on that list of Ben Kennedy is actually about Ben Kennedy, and it’s about iRacing. The rest are articles about everyone else where his name is listed as a ‘also on the grid’. If Landauer was on the grid she’d have the exact same articles from 2-the rest of them because

Maybe you’re misunderstanding. I give zero fucks about baseball. Show me the mediocre motorsport people getting media attention and articles.

It was the two articles in as many days that I was commenting on.

“You have a beef with this story because it highlights someone for being a woman, and she lacks the talent YOU think is a baseline standard for a news story.”

Yeah, but she’s not in her first season of pro level racing. She’s been racing cars for a decade. I’ve also seen her drive on many occasions (but from some time ago) and I didn’t see much talent there, unfortunately. But, as I have said, maybe she got a LOT better in the last few years, but it’s kind of late for that

“Most people at Stanford University have a hard enough time just staying at Stanford.”

No, I’m pointing out that only in the last two years has she raced in a series that provides any kind of prize money at all, regardless of the fact that in the last ten years she didn’t get any kind of results that would have *given* prize money until last year even if it were there.