
I don’t know about race earnings. Maybe only in the last few years if anything.

You really can’t read, can you? I never called Alanis a shitty journalist. Try again.

Do you even read my posts? I’m pointing out the irony of claiming in one article that people should stop doing a direct Danica=A N other woman driver, and then continuing doing the exact same thing. Nothing to do with shutting down anything.

You are a very angry person. For some reason that seems to escape logic.

Show me the obstacles. You’re just throwing out claims with zero backing, right now.

I wasn’t the one that started comparing her to one driver. So I fail to see your point.

Ah, participation medals.... ;)

“Don’t for a minute believe that he has “stolen” either sponsors or motorsports coverage from better drivers”

Precisely my point in a later post...

She did many years of karting and first raced cars over ten years ago. I saw her race in Formula BMW in 2007 and she had nothing in the way of results. Even top tens were out of her reach, despite the second half of the grid being very weak. As I said, unless she got a LOT better in the last few years, she’s not a

“If your start up business isn’t up to par, rest assured, it will fail.”

No, it is the repeated references to ‘don’t treat her/compare her to Danica’ when that’s exactly what the journalists are doing.

It’s not a hot take - let’s not knee jerk just because you think it is about Landauer being a woman. It’s just as frustrating to see people like Ken Block get massive sponsorship and support far beyond what he needs to do his racing, when he can’t back it up with talent. This example is gender based skewing, Block is

How is it sexist that I want a race car driver to be judged on their competitive merits?

It’s kind of amusing, all this ‘don’t compare her to Danica’ stuff. Much as the original article referred to was lazy, shitty journalism, this article itself treats Landauer very similarly to Danica - she is a mid-field at best driver, getting far more attention/promotion/media coverage than her results could ever

There was at least 2/3 of a car width outside of the Merc for him to be in (I’ve seen the in-car from the Merc). He went much further out than he needed to. But either way, it didn’t at all cause him to drive over the kerb at T2 like that. That’s all him. Caused havoc for half the field.

“I then remember looking up and seeing the sharp left turn which I was accelerating into. I believe we started to make the turn...”

Stef actually races. So she should be perfectly aware what an out lap is...

“ Incredibly, this was Kobayashi’s out-lap,”

So the ISIS thing was just complete click-bait bullshit then? Because Silverstone is much more likely trying to control Drones for (legitimate and sensible) safety reasons and TV rights (plus protecting the busiest airspace in the world on GP days) than anything at all to do with a hysterical fear of an ‘ISIS drone