BritBenzene arch-nemesis...

Top Tip if you’re ever flying out of Denver again. Instead of going through one of the main security lines, walk over to the first terminal and go through the security line on the walkover bridge.

Agreed. DEN is to be avoided, and it isn’t actually in Colorado.

His name is Bluesifer. Respect his blue veiny balls

Yeah...Denver is a mountain town in that you can see mountains from Denver on clear isn’t actually that close to any mountains. And the closest real mountains, which Colorado does have a ton of, are at least 2 hours a way by car. While their laws are diffidently light years better then in Utah, SLC is an

Demon Horse? It’s Blucifer to you good sir/madam.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

If you watch that and see an assault, fine. I think you’re wrong, but that’s fine.

I’ve never had a problem with security in Denver.  I do have Pre-check, though, and wouldn’t fly without it.

Do not anger Blue Mustang:

I’m surprised DEN is as low as it is. I regularly fly there, either directly or to make a connection, and have rarely had issues, even weather related. Easy to get into the city by train, shuttle, car, etc., and easy to get around. They have some nice shops, too.

Is there some kind of muppet over his right shoulder?

It just seems like one party in the story was being responsible and professional, and another was having a tantrum worthy of a two-year-old.

“Keep moving the mean”. It's a way of reminding myself that just because something sucks today I should still keep focused on the long term of making things better overall over time. And also that when good days happen to try to repeat it as much as possible to keep that average up. 

“In fact, having any out-of-state alcohol delivered to Utah is a felony crime. Why?”

And I say this as someone who bought a TCL 6-Series, returned it for a Vizio M-Series, then said “screw it” and sold the Vizio and bought an LG B7 OLED.

If you have $2k+ to spend, I’d suggest you get the QLED or the OLED. In my experience, whatever reviewers may say about bang-for-you-buck, you’re better off getting the name brand when it comes to TVs. There are enough little problems with TCL or Vizio’s well-reviewed TVs that if you have a discerning eye, they will

Kaitlin Bennett so desperately wants people to see her as a sex symbol, the guns are just an excuse to post pics of herself. She wants to be a Toby Lammeran, bad.

Yeah, regardless of what type of shotgun, I cannot imagine a hunting situation that would require the weapon to be loaded in the back seat, much less have a shell in the chamber.

What about “Gattaca”?