
In Huntsville, AL (and probably any city near a bunch of rural counties) the biggest dick move is people from other counties coming into town and camping in the left-hand lane on restricted highways going the speed limit (+/- 3 mph). This is especially common on the weekends, but a surprising number of people do it

Even if he did hire some goon to off Epstein and even if the goon eventually succeeds, you know that he’s never going to pay the goon. He never pays his contractors.

You get a star for going to Land Between the Lakes (LBL). If I could give you extra stars for having common sense, I would.

I couldn’t see the vest for the jacket sleeves coming all the way down to his fingers. I wear a suit a few times a decade and even I can see that the fit of the whole outfit is terrible.

That’s what I got from my reading of the transcript. The TL;DR seems to be “That’s a really nice tech company with favorable tax status youse gots there. It’d be a shame if someone were to consider it a monopoly, doncha think?”

Because you buy roebucks at Sears, obviously.

I don’t know, but that totally scans. 

Does it allow them to possibly cram a few more people in? Yes. But I believe the bigger issue is that lighter seats mean better fuel economy, which really adds up across the entire fleet.

I use AutoHotKey for this. One small part of my job that was taking up way too much of my time several years ago. So now I have several dozen pre-written sentences & paragraphs that I can insert with hashtags. So #form becomes “Please fill out the form found in our departmental webpage on the company intranet <link>.

Your second point is easy to address. Billionaires and other 1% type people already fund political campaigns, so just raise their marginal tax rates to ensure they are still paying for the campaigns but no longer have the same leverage to select and influence candidates as much as they do now.

A lot of that “rural lexicon” is perpetuated by the state constitution. I’ve heard it’s one of the most regressive and convoluted government documents ever created. It was created to ensure white supremacy at the cost of local autonomy and needs to be trashed so a new, fair constitution can be drafted. Unfortunately,

Has this administration decided that in loco parentis is just as inconvenient as every other legal precedent that helps the disadvantaged and decided to ignore it?

I’m in Alabama - there is a sane portion of the population in the state (about 1/3) who would much rather see that money invested in infrastructure and education. Unfortunately we’re outvoted by the 2/3 of the state that think FoxNews is a bastion of centrist journalism and that, while the US military is the best

Disclaimer, I have family who live in Kentucky and a soft spot for the state. I’m also a person of progressive politics in a very red state.

Yes, many Americans worry about medical debt at some point in their life. Where you live and what employer you have can mitigate the worry to some extent, but a major illness or injury (especially one where you can no longer work) can bankrupt all but the most wealthy families. People without insurance (or with crappy

I agree about the name, but a well done Hot Brown is amazing and everyone should have one at least once in their life. Ideal circumstances are to have one at lunch on a gloomy fall or winter Saturday and then collapse into a food coma while watching college football or basketball.

I think the Armed Forces almost always have a better defined mission and use-of-force parameters than the cops when dealing with civilians. Given the recent track record for the police vs. the Armed Forces, the Armed Forces probably have fewer face-to-face killings of civilians (leaving out bombings and drone strikes)

I used to live outside Colorado Springs, which is kind of the inverse of your “island of sanity” comment about SLC/Utah in that a lot of religious nuts flocked to that one town in an otherwise cool state.

I only reliably flew once or twice a year for the past 10 years until this year. Now that I’m flying more than once every 8 months I got pre-Check. The only reasons I didn’t get the Global Entry version is 1. my company never sends me to cool places - I don’t want to give them any ideas about sending me to another

I have often gotten connections in DEN in the past 10 years and generally liked the airport. Then I actually flew to Denver (no problem there), and discovered that flying out of DEN is an Orwellian nightmare of long, winding lines for security alongside cheery posters telling you “If you were a real traveler and had