
You betcha. 30 x 60 ft. for about $3K.

Well, it is a car dealer. And we know that everyone here at Jalopnik loves car dealerships. We surely wouldn’t feel schadenfreude at seeing a car dealer get his comeuppance over a stupid decision.

...What, while white?

Such a fine line between disrespecting the flag and the flag disrespecting you.

Oh look, we’ve finally found the proper time for people to kneel before the flag.

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.

.22 LR are supersonic.

It is based on decibel levels. I can shoot my .308 bolt gun all day long without hearing protection if I have my suppressor on. It just doesn’t get loud enough to do damage. Granted all I do is shoot outdoors so I cannot comment on how it is indoors. Put that same suppressor on an AR-15 and yeah you can get away with

Or match that suppressed long gun to subsonic rounds. Its uncanny how quiet it is at that point.

You’re right. I used a suppressor with some 22 subsonic rounds and it was as close to quiet as you can get. It was still significantly more noticeable than movie suppressor.

I think “politics” is Greek for “a bit disingenuous”.
Yes, I don’t doubt that the impetus for the bill was less about protecting hearing, and more about appeasing lobbyists, but that doesn’t change the fact that it would actually protect hearing.

What you might not understand is that a lot of people running a suppressor would be used along with traditional hearing protection.
Some calibers, especially the ones used for long range, are just way too loud for normal hearing protection to mitigate hearing loss.

Depends on the long gun/round. An AR-15 is likely not hearing safe with a suppressor but my hunting rifle (.308 bolt action) certainly is. It definitely isn’t like the movies, it is still loud, but it is hearing safe.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you only get the full effect of a suppressor from subsonic ammunition by removing the supersonic crack, compounded with the suppressor dampening the noise of the expanding gases? I’ve only shot suppressed twice, and the 9mm was still loud as heck but not tinnitus inducing, and the

I kinda figure if you’re dumb enough to shoot without hearing protection, you deserve hearing damage.

This is one of those no-brainers, like there’s only one plausible reason to roll back this law. Lobbying. It’s not even thinly veiled. There’s not a single reason a private citizen needs a suppressor for their firearm. Wear fucking ear muffs.

If this is the chicken tax of the sea, would that make it the tuna tax?

It’s not like the Jones act is really helping all that much anyway...I mean how many more us registered ships are there now then there might otherwise have been? And at what cost? This is the chicken tax of the sea