
I’m a teacher and sometimes the topic of eating out comes up, like when I hear kids planning to meet up after school or whatever. I always make sure to tell them to tip. There’s always some argument, like “we’re broke,” but I tell them how the server gets paid and tell them that if they’re too broke to tip, then

But, the solution to that is sending a 17-year old bagger out to find something super specific for you with a significant chance of making a mistake. Meanwhile, they’re not bagging, so you have to.

I volunteer at field day at the end of every year so I eat one lunch with my son and his friends at school every year. That seems like enough to me haha. 

The kiss wasn’t the most groundbreaking thing about Star Trek (and it was shitty kiss because looks like Shattner is trying to eat her...), it was that Uhura, a black woman, was a respected officer and a member of the crew at all. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend the NPR interview Nichols gave:

I have no idea.

Far be it from me to tell you how to respond tom someone like this, but I would go with ‘we have Piñatas full of gravy that we hit with turkey legs’

I will also accept “At someone else’s house.”

At least the fast food restaurants still exist.

Vermont is, I believe, the whitest state in the union. About 98% non-Hispanic white according to the latest demographic survey. Nothing else could account for the desire for ambrosia salad.

How bad are glowsticks?

Not a pumpkin but.... That house, growing up as a kid, had this out-front.

Seems appropriate.

Religious pamphlets. Don’t tell me I was the only one to get those at one house as a kid...

THIS is exactly what I was going to say. Tastes like GIN.

Donkey sauce, babies!

The Office is a great show, but I like Parks and Rec way better. Where are the JJs Waffles tees?

At least they agreed to be filmed.

I thought this was going to be an app that just displays the word “NO”.