
Horribly researched article. Everyone knows Sean Parker stole Napster from Seth Green.


I am once again asking for your algae.

The advice to “Wash your hands often, especially after handling packages” would still apply, no? Grab the box, pour the crackers in a bowl or something, and wash your hands before you eat. As far as we know now, the virus lasts on cardboard for a day so after 24 hours, you should be fine but you can always continue

And Astroglide was originally intended for use when cooling space shuttles. Also,

Unless you lived back then - I was just a kid but still - it’s hard to imagine how difficult it was to get from here to there. 300 miles was a full day no matter what. Traffic on 41 was so heavy there would be a gas station on both sides of an intersection because you just couldn’t stop to make a left.

Yes - over time, the meat part of the recipe got left out, leaving us with just the sweet and spicy parts of the mince mix.

That’s OK.  I can still get rice and chicken from Juan.

It probably does.  I love Moxie and Necco Wafers.

It’s the reason that the British Empire existed.  Another meal of mushy peas and boiled meat sent someone over the edge, and the next thing you knew, the British were imposing their reign over native peoples everywhere.

I believe that the apparatus that lies at the heart of so-called start-up incubators is nothing more than a slot machine with various trendy products and buzzwords printed on the wheels. When they run out of combinations they'll add another wheel and the names will get longer.

You just need to add another buzzword. Contaminate it with one part per quintillion of uranium ore and sell it as a homeopathic heavy metal poisoning and radiation sickness cure.


A fresh home-grown tomato tastes like a completely different fruit than anything you can buy at a store. I’ve never even gotten one at a farmer’s market-type place that was as good as one that I or a family member or a neighbor grew.

I’d like you to roll a flavor check.

That’s amazing

My chef attacks the Raw Steak Demon with his +1 Cast Iron Skillet and Tongs of Haste!

They always say that. And then ten minutes before it’s time to roll, they send a hasty “something came up” text. And twenty minutes later, their FB feed is blowing up with pictures from the bowling alley.

I want to write, run, or play this adventure.

When can we get together to play this? I’ll draw the boards.