
How is this different from the standard scientific method? The what and when, the how, and the why: that's what science does. And technology is the application of that science. And when applied to human behaviors or data, it's called the social sciences.

You cannot enter the dome!

No, it's not a truth claim. It means exactly what it says it means. If you disagree, it doesn't make me wrong. Only that you disagree. I could still be right. And it also doesn't make your opinion in the matter right. It might be, but it might not be.

Can you all do A/B testing to compare the click-throughs from this title with the exact same thing with a "10 " in front of it? I was surprised to see it missing.

"***DISCLAIMER*** The contents of this post are my opinion. If you disagree, it doesn't make me wrong and you right. I simply means your opinion is different than mine."

Gizmodo folks, if you want to do some real reporting, keep pressing the tech companies — Apple, Google, etc — about what they know and when they knew it. Similarly, the proper news organizations should keep pressing members of Congress. The White House statement is ok in itself, but doesn't seem to map on to either

A. Who said we were surprised? We're just pissed.

As long as you do nothing embarrassing or illegal ever, never oppose the existing power structure, and have no ambition either for yourself or to change anything, you're fine. As long as you are a member of no minority who might get put on surveillance, no-fly, or extra-patdown airport lists, you're fine. As long

We need a control for the average skill level of the climbers. With a 29% death rate and presumably more skilled climbers, K2 is even more deadly than Everest. Though even then, these are the average death rates, which are presumably declining steadily since the 50s, so we really need a skill-adjusted moving average

Imagine if the corporation-sellout model had been in place in decades past as it is now...

Of course, if you follow this logic, you are almost certainly a Boltzmann brain already. Given enough time, a brain-state exactly like the one you are in right now will recur an infinite number of times; the chance that your current conscious state is truly a person on earth at this moment in history, as opposed to

What's interesting is how anomalous abortion is. Most of the responses have shifted leftwards, many of them significantly so, especially on matters concerning sex, marriage, and babies. On the one hand, the fact that abortion hasn't shifted in a decade is a testament to the power of the right's ability to persuade;

Kyle Wagner: "Why?"

Your links should really go to the article, not the video on Youtube. That's internet journalism 101, and the only way to be fair to the magazine whose content you are repackaging. Plus, the article has a GIF of the exact same thing in it.

Er — are you arguing that the President doesn't have power over what the FBI and DOJ do?

The ending of The Mist was fabulously stupid. A cartoon anvil of Irony landing on your head. When we walked out, like many others, we were saddened that it hadn't ended 3 minutes earlier, with the endless drive going deeper and deeper into the weird. A pat tragedy is much less disturbing because it resolves the

So what of this would appeal to your standard intellectual feminist SF fan? Who doesn't care for bad dialogue or predictable plots or hyper-sexualized women (let alone children). The sort of person who likes reading SF, but only well written stuff like Chabon or Mieville and thinks Kim Stanley Robinson's dialogue has

The monkey ate the frog.

The Bronze plan, the basic coverage that Obamacare offers and the example used for most subsidy calculations and examples, is essentially underinsurance. It costs 10% of your income if you don't get sick, and if you get seriously sick, nearly 20%. It hasn't reduced medical bankruptcies in Massachusetts (where the