
It's funny how many people still think it's $2.25.


On a what's?

Sad when they learn how to use the caps lock key before learning how to use the ' key...

Can someone explain that route to me (second to bottom pic)? It's telling him to take the NQR north to 34th and then the M south, rather than just taking the 6 or the L directly to the M?

The Germans didn't vote for Hitler because they were a bunch of evil genocidal maniacs - they did it because he seemed to be the only who could put Germany back on tracks and make foreigh countries leave them alone.

That ding is like someone saying "burn!" in response to their own comment.

Even with just a few hours of sunlight, these things can dry completely out in a single day. Miss a day or two of watering, and your entire crop is dead. Keeping things sufficiently moist is (as I've learned to my detriment) a huge challenge unless you set up an automatic watering system.

Pro: up to 0.5% reduction in electricity use, 0.7% reduction in traffic fatalities, increased physical activity and reduced depression for 6 months. Con: people who don't go outside (like the author) are at slightly higher risk of heart attack or suicide, and it costs money.

The nice this is that, unlike piracy, there's no moral argument whatsoever that we "ought" to let this happen. There is no duty to accept ads, just as there is no duty to watch them, pay attention to them, or obey their commands. It's a pure free-market thing: anything goes — advertisers and companies try to force

The lightning connector connects tightly enough that it can support the phone's weight while dangling.

Apparently desert x GDP = meteorite.

The errors reported in the forums are not anecdotes of the "it's not working for me" variety, but actual documented errors. Frame matching, for instance, has been repeatedly broken, fixed, and broken, as confirmed by WD themselves. The firmware which bricked units back in the early days was similarly not anecdotal

I have a WD TV live, which works fine, but don't get your heart set on upgrading the firmware. I have watched them botch a half-dozen upgrades over the last few years, every single one of which broke some existing functionality or, in a few cases, broke the player itself. The support forums are a comedy of errors

Sorry to all those who don't find it political. But considering that a) the moronic rightwing on YouTube sees it as political (and approves) and b) the intellectual leftwing on Metafilter also see it as political (and disapproves), it's already been politicized. When a core tennet of a religion is that women are the

Loyalty good, women bad. Pretty much the conservative ideology in a nutshell.

Ironic to show this in the US after replacing Attenborough with random movie stars for the last three major Nature programs.

There are few things more obnoxious than a man providing his own dings.

Just watched it last night. Fine movie, flags in the second half, a bit too talky. The main problem is that it gets less, rather than more, weird, as it goes along. Gave me a hankering for rewatching Naked Lunch though.

Looks to me like it's impersonating spider eyes. Usually there are four distinct ones rather like that. The rest of the spider body is often camouflaged (from its prey), but the eyes can't easily be hidden. So all an impersonator really needs to do is simulate the eyes, since that may be the main thing wary