
You’re not a bad person for wanting to have a good time. You might be a bad person for being fully cognizant of injustice and going “LA LA LA, I can’t hear you, this is a fun game and nothing else matters, LA LA LA.” Enjoy the game AND be aware of the ills perpetuated to create it.

As powerful as the car scene was, the problem is that it firmly establishes that Barry is a monster. On the one hand, I respect the show for forcing us to deal with that; TV often makes it too easy to treat violence as just another story beat. But it makes it hard to see how Barry can work as a sympathetic character

"Well, I suppose you can take my place in here, then."

equating Feminism to Nazism says otherwise

I'm ignoring that, and that Tiangong is in a separate orbit itself, and that a thruster pack can't go from Hubble's orbit to the ISS, and that payload specialists like Dr. Stone don't receive training in flying Soyuz, and that Russian satellites are in an orbit that makes it unlikely they'll start a Kessler effect