
You’re not a bad person for wanting to have a good time. You might be a bad person for being fully cognizant of injustice and going “LA LA LA, I can’t hear you, this is a fun game and nothing else matters, LA LA LA.” Enjoy the game AND be aware of the ills perpetuated to create it.

How in the era of #MeToo is fucking sexist, misogynist Whedon still working in the industry?

Fuck standard time, fuck winter nights that start before 5pm, DST year round dammit. Time is already arbitrary enough as a concept without introducing capricious changes every two seasons. Do you know why we in the US now change our clocks in November instead of October? Because some politicians thought kids should be

The solution here is to jail the executives at Purdue and other pharmas. What fucking idiot doctor would believe Purdue when they said oxys weren’t addictive? EVERY SINGLE OPIOID EVER is addictive and abused. Every single one. Even those used for maintenance therapy are abused and addictive. The execs and scientists

As powerful as the car scene was, the problem is that it firmly establishes that Barry is a monster. On the one hand, I respect the show for forcing us to deal with that; TV often makes it too easy to treat violence as just another story beat. But it makes it hard to see how Barry can work as a sympathetic character

IMO these databases, both public and private, are reasons why we need to really look into updating the in public exceptions to privacy. Those laws were written before modern computer image recognition, and the ability to cheaply store & access massive amounts was practical.

It will still be less ad-intrusive than what I just had to view to read this article lol.

Really sorry to hear about the end of io9. It’s been great having such an interesting site focused on science fiction and fantasy, and I’m bummed because I don’t believe Gizmodo will provide it the same level of attention.

I totally agree with you man. What the f*ck is wrong with you United Statians? I hope some sense can come to the editors of Sploid and realize that promoting this technology as “cool” will never do anything good for peace.

Uggh. On a sleepy Saturday morning this is far too violent and destructive. I’m surprised to find this on a progressive blog. I’m a conservative but I am not a war monger. These ‘gadgets’ were designed to blow up infrastructure and human beings. As many others have pointed out, these bombs have been used to kill

Without this Fuck Yeah Amurricah! cool bomber tech, we could not get awesome pics like this:

“Cool”? Really? Weapons designed to lay a huge swath of destruction indiscriminately over an area? What in bloody hell is cool about that?

I know that for your and a myriad of others this sort of thing seems magically hypnotic, but I hope that one day you’ll come to see them for what they are; these are images of the horror of wars fought and lives shattered all for the propagation of corporate earnings.

I’ve been reading “awesome” and “cool” as descriptors of videos like this on this site for a while. Can I say only that they’re actually the beginning of a story that ends badly for someone? And that in war innocent people are killed for reasons that might not be immediately clear or morally straight? I am missing a

I'm telling you... my dream machine is a 13" Macbook Air that runs OSX, but I can remove the screen and it automatically shifts to iOS.

A room's O2 content is around 21% of its total gas content. A single spoonful of matter would need to absorb all that, to fit your description. A typical small room has around 1300 cubic feet of gas in it, meaning around 270 cubic feet of O2. Wolfram says that weighs about 20 pounds or 1.2 ounces per cubic foot.

So they mention all of the scenes but dont actually show most of them?

Yeah, but my stepmother told my sister she earns $30/h without standing up practically just browsing the internet.