
It takes, what, 10 minutes to walk 10 blocks? Why would you even bother with renting a bike?

Well, some hunters kill animals for food. But the hunters that kill elephants think that they’re trophies.

Grad students are compensated differently. Ignoring that distinction feels disingenuous.

Those traffic signals are supposed to be timed so that vehicles travelling at or below the speed limit can stop before the crosswalk when the light turns yellow. It’s impossible to be in the crosswalk at the moment the light goes red unless the driver (autonomous or otherwise) makes an error, or is reacting to an

Thank you for reporting this correctly. I’ve complained many times over the years here and elsewhere about reporting that uses phrases like “Amtrak’s budget is constantly getting routed by Congress.” Thank you for calling out the enemy of science and infrastructure by name: Republicans.

But there seems to be a step missing between this blow-up and their reconciliation. Cutting away to the bar just stalls for time instead of forcing Max and Frankie to confront the way they treat their mom.

The first rule of honest internet deal sites should be that no discount of less than 20% should ever be publicized. 10% is ridiculous, rare or no, and the commerce staff should be ashamed.

The first rule of honest internet deal sites should be that no discount of less than 20% should ever be publicized.

Clone or not, Beth realized that as long as she has Morty’s love, Rick can’t make a move if she is a clone. So we’re back to square one — at least, until Jerry’s inherent odiousness makes Beth’s strategy untenable.

Between this, Westworld, Rick and Morty, and the season 3 premier of Broad City, we seem to be in something of a moment.

That final speech by Rick is really not going to help with the rabid fan problem.

Rick is always right, and when he isn’t, he still comes out on top, probably with a catchphrase and an episode-ending laugh line. He also fucks space babes and smokes pot with monsters. To those fans, the fact that Rick is awesome offers justification for his—and their—self-absorption.... Harmon’s pledge to keep

It sounds like Sad Puppies In Space.

While I appreciate Shep McAllister’s replies here, I wanted to concur that (a) these paid reviews are junk, and (b) the “received object in exchange for unbiased review” concept is not just terrible, it’s ruining Amazon’s second-most valuable product (after prime shipping) — its ratings. Currently Amazon reviews are

While I appreciate Shep McAllister’s replies here, I wanted to concur that (a) these paid reviews are junk, and (b)

I love how deeply unthrilled Patrick Stewart looks here. Like he hates this man with a burning passion (as well he should), and this was as far as he could curl his lips upward as he does his best to smile.

Seems like a fine car for anyone who would have bought the A3 TDI, or an e-Golf who worries about range, or a GTI who wants and can’t get a GTE, or a Prius or other hatchback hybrid who wants a peppier drive. $33K after rebate for the low-end (which comes with a sunroof and other stuff) seems not much more than these

Traffic is hard — I can cut them some slack for not getting that right.

4-year troll! Awesome.

I don’t know about “should,” but from a strictly utilitarian point of view, the world is better off if those who can’t afford X are given X for free, in those cases where there is no cost for giving away X (eg, in software, where a copy is costless).

Hate language towards women is just as bad as hate language towards African Americans or other racial groups. You might as well go around defending the use of kike or chink. And saying it's only aimed at some women is like saying you're only against the uppity negroes.

I've been wondering what would happen to the hoods of cars as we transition to electric. When there's no need to keep the engine up front, there's no real need for a front hood at all, apart from archaic style and, perhaps, safety. It would be neat if this meant everything shifts to three-wheelers. I'm sure many