
For me, it's better than my other habits I suppose. For the longest time, I was using sex to fill the void I was feeling. And while I still struggle with that, it's not as bad as it used to be. Kentucky Fried Chicken vs. a STI or unplanned pregnancy? Give me KFC.

Oh man! I am so with you on this. I'm poor, and I have a hard time making friends, and it's hot and raining here and can I whine any more? My go to thing when I'm bored like this is food. And I'm sick of doing that. So I'm a little stir crazy.

I understand. I've always been fat and so I never had dolls that really looked like me either! If I happen to find her, I will let you know!

See, if a person truly LOVES something or a particular author, that's great. I think it's the pretense of "I name drop Vonnegut because it gives me cred" that I find really bothersome. I, for instance, love Wally Lamb. She's Come Undone is one of the best things I've ever read. But, most people don't get that OR

I wish I stil had her because then I could give her to you!

I used to have a "thing" for bros. I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan for several years and they are all over the place. They all went to U of M and they were all frat guys. Bro-ist of bro. On football Saturdays, I wouldn't seem or hear from them. Then 2:30 rolled around, after a night at Skeeps, I would get the

For me, it's Vonnegut. Every hipster douche running around says they LOVE Vonnegut but they can only name Slaughterhouse 5. I've never really read him, but I know there is more than one novel! This might stem from the night I had a date with an English professor and he basically gave me a lecture on the man.

Back in college I had major lady wood for a baseball player. I would go to the games and sit on the first base line, all to catch a glimpse of him. I was super shy and never approached him. We finally had a class together my sophomore year and we somehow ended up sitting next to each other. Once he opened his


Ok, #1, I didn't even see her as a woman of color. To me, she was white. And I will say that I was naive about these things when she was purchased for me. And I didn't give her the name.

Yeah, the name isn't the best. When I got her, I didn't about the name so much. All of that stuff wasn't fully formed in my brain yet. However it was always fun to lift her skirt and show people the hair underneath. Always freaked htem out for some reason.

When I was in my early twenties I came across this Austrailian doll named Feral Cheryl. She had "normal" dimensions, a nose ring, and PUBIC HAIR! She was the best. They don't make them anymore which makes me sad because I lost her in my many moves.

If I have another nervous breakdown (which I hope I don't!), I want to go to that place outside of Boston where only the top notch crazy people go. McLean is it? They make these places sound so fabulous, but these people are supposed to be getting help. They even let you SMOKE at these places!

I am ashamed to call Ohio home. Between losing Dennis Kusinich and now this. It makes me sad, and makes me weep for my niece and nephew.

Awesome Tweet Beat today! I especially like the Mindy Kaling one. I always wondered why everyone was sooooo sweaty in that movie. Then again, a sweaty, shirtless Matthew McConaguhey is never bad. And with that, I'm off to finally watch Magic Mike.

This is one of the first things I remember watching on the internet. And I loved it so much, I showed it to my 12 year old niece. She found it hilarious and so now, every once in a while, she'll just look at me and say let's go get some shoes. I love that kid!

My first job was at a DQ. I lasted two weeks. I couldn't make the curly Q on the top of the cones. I now have major issues with inadequacies because I couldn't make the Q.

Well, you guys have convinced me I need to watch it. If only so I can more thoroughly converse with everyone.

I freaking LOVE beards. And if it's a beard/glasses combo, my panties hit the floor.

First of all, I don't find Channing Tatum all that attractive. He's too smooth and muscular for me. I get that he is conventionally attractive, just not to me. I prefer guys like Seth Rogen, John Hamm, Steve Martin, and the late James Gandolfini.