I understand why Fitz is so intent on Jake confessing, but why the fuck is Cyrus so sure of it? Why doesn't Cyrus think Papa Pope MIGHT, MAYBE, SOMEHOW, POSSIBLY be involved. You know, because of literally everything he's ever done on this show.
I understand why Fitz is so intent on Jake confessing, but why the fuck is Cyrus so sure of it? Why doesn't Cyrus think Papa Pope MIGHT, MAYBE, SOMEHOW, POSSIBLY be involved. You know, because of literally everything he's ever done on this show.
Add this to the list next to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama of men whose wives we wish became president.
Too bad we can't elect his wife instead.
Today is National Coming Out Day.
Madeleine, Jezebel you are incredibly awful people and I don't understand how you get away with this kind of nasty cruel bullying. You are all mean, nasty soulless boys and girls. Amanda Bynes suffers from a chronic illness and like any chronic illness she goes through days where she is sicker than others. I can't…
I thought the same thing. She is preternaturally gorgeous. Like an extra beautiful Penelope Cruz crossed with Audrey Hepburn. PLUS she's Mark Darcy.
I'm Team Olivia'sBeachHair!
John Mulaney's bit about L&O: SVU is hiiilarious.
The fact that a Heinous Sex Crime show is the only thing remaining of Law and Order is depressing to me...
Tyler Perry is having a kid.
If we start throwing the pretty people in jail the next thing you know white people are going to start being arrested and we just can't have that! Draw the line here! Free the pretty people!
I love the way white looks on me but if it's white there's a 100% chance that I'm going to spill something on it. Probably red wine. And that's how I decided that Olivia Pope is a wizard.
Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt are the celebrity couple I would most want to hang out with. We could watch Cardinals' games and talk about Kissing Jessica Stein, and if things got sexual, I feel like they'd be very comfortable people to have that happen with.
My preferred way of reading the Sunday NY Times is to have my wife or girlfriend (depending on the week) sit on a page while I make her watch the Sunday morning talk shows. At each commercial, I read the page from her labia. Then, on to the next page. But if she gets wet when Lindsay Graham is on, then my day is…
Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.
Jennifer Lopez has been offered a lube sponsorship. Not quite sure what a lube sponsorship is