
I respect your commitment to big boy accuracy

You have 3 buildings that meet the measurements required to be labeled a skyscraper.  I researched this to make sure of the accuracy, because last time I drove through I thought I saw 4 tall buildings, but only 3 are big boys.  

About 98% of us hate the 2% that booed him. They can fuck off to Philly or something.  But sir, we have AT LEAST...*looks around and counts*...5 tall buildings downtown. We’re not Akron, or something.

Not afflicted with the small bone?  Nick Foles. 

God, that line at the end. Crying at my desk. Thank you for writing and publishing this.

As I see it, there are three alternatives:

I’m not typically one to cast aspersions on people I don’t know, but if Dan Dakich’s family member is dealing with chronic work-related injuries, has earned $100 million in the last seven years, and has a degree in architectural design from Stanford, then he’s an idiot for continuing to show up every day at the steel

Teams cut players two weeks before the season. Why should it be a one-way street?

Don’t undersell my man Kesey like that! I’m sure he was on WAY more drugs than Irsay. He could just handle his shit like an adult.

I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health. 

I’m no math wizard, but if you’ve had a friend for 35 years that means you’ve experienced 2 Super Bowls for the Double-Doinks.

I count “Bears” 6 times in there, sport, shouldn’t those have all been Double-Doinks?  I mean, you’re not backing out on honoring your bet, are you?

The man was the .gif that keeps on .giffing.

I sat in a bar, with my pregnant wife, down in Florida watching that game unfold. The nice locals next to us seemed excited for the Bears about to kick the winning field goal. I told them that he was going to miss it. I had no doubts about this and then he hit those fucking poles. Sat there in my Mack jersey, staring

I know Jay is not on the team anymore but I love this gif too much not to post it here.

+3 falls

The United British Nanny Association holds the trademark on that already

I think you’ve stumbled upon a legitimately good name: Baby Stranglers.


As a Lions fan I am forced to similarly point out that the Texans have won one playoff game in seventeen years. The Lions last playoff win came ten years before the Texans were born.