
As exciting as this season has been — and it's the most exciting Cubs season I have ever seen — I also know how much those elevated expectations will hurt if this team crashes to the ground before at least making it to the World Series.

I think that is the most insane NFL stat I have ever heard. How could a team not get a win out of a QB it drafted in almost 30 years? And then think about how much time and money they spent on scouting and management to achieve that result. They would have better luck folding up pieces of paper with the names of QB

That is a good point, I was only thinking about the Favre and Rodgers eeras.

As a Bears fan, I hate this franchise first and foremost because they have used and abused my team like a cheddar cheese Fleshlight on a Friday night at the Green Bay Moose Lodge. But mostly I hate them because the fans are insufferable like Pats fans, but with fewer rings, more chins, less brain cells, more

+2 cheeks

+5 toes

+1 Super Mutant

They should call it Chet Lemon Party Field.

The back side should be one for every Viking wide receiver's career since Moss left (and signed by Cordarelle Patterson this year).

The AtlantAnus wins by a tip

I think DeAndre Hopkins holdout was a performance art piece satirizing the length of most Texans drives.


I will cosign as an unheated heretic.

Dan Snyder seems like the owner you'd get after a Shane Black screenplay impregnated Donald Trump's Twitter.

This is more like the Cubs from a couple years ago, a lot of swing but very little pop.

"Hit me up on Ouija"

The Stevie Johnson line in the stand-up clip killed me.

5-7 win seasons, meaning seasons where they win 5 to 7 games.

I remember playing as the Colts in the original Tecmo Bowl with Jack Trudeau as the QB. If that was the case now, Indianapolis would be a necropolis of bodies with exploded heads.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Hopefully that kid will grow up and realize what a loser his old man is instead of turning into Jeter Jersey Jr. (or probably Jeter Jersey III by this point).