
While Davidson set some great picks, victory was just beyond their reach.

They both tend to fall back on attacking from the air when they should be driving on the ground toward the goal.

Since this is Brandon Marshall, there's a good chance the charges will be dropped.

But, according to the source, Anthony was not gung-ho and was "hurt'' Knicks upper management tossed his advice out the window.

What is this Twitter thing I keep hearing all the young people talking about?

+1, that's sweet.

The other advantage to trading Tebow is that most teams have the cap room to afford paying 30 pieces of silver.

Actually, he was using the ice cream to illustrate how he once ripped off Neil Reed's head so he could scream down his neckhole and into his very soul.

"This goes against every policy we have," said Van Eure, the restaurant's owner. "It's just horrible."

+1 to this and the original comment, both brilliant.


May you lift your winning fists like goalposts to heaven

Never has a player looked so perfect in an all-white uniform.

Medieval times, I'm bringing a case of two-liter Diet Coke bottles, a pack of Mentos, a carton of rubbers, penicillin, and a case of lady Venus shavers for all the women who would throw themselves at the greatest wizard in medieval history.

Appropriate that this was announced the day after Pulaski Day. May you bring honor and editorial freedom to Deadspin or die trying.

Packers won't make it without either finding a competent running game or getting the defense back in shape.

That would suggest there is actual hope this season, which there is not.

Look at that Drew go! Go, Drew, go!

This will likely lead to the launching of a new web site, Bill Simmons' Big Head.

I tried not to laugh, but I still did. Deliciously dark.