
Woj's column is heavy on the opinion, but there is one new J.R. story in there. It dates from his time in China, one weekend at a hotel when he ordered $3,000 worth of room service "just to see if they would keep bringing it to the room."

Do you guys remember Ghostbusters: The Video Game?

Gammons is well known for sending out incomprehensible Tweets.

I thought Wade meant "sweet sales"- that's where the local economy will suffer...

Nunn forgave Newbill as long as he promises not to make it a habit.

As a medical professional, this is fucking bullshit! No one has proven anything about any sort of relationship between football and erratic, even dangerous behavior. What a greedy bitch! I mean, surely if NFL teams or the league knew something about players getting brain damage, they would immediately let us all

So, Burneko, Newell and Eifling are communists. Got it now.

This. Using "This" to reply to a comment must die. Now.

Why the hell would you vote for Maddux?

puppies running around, drinking water, stealing each other's toys, and falling asleep.

I have it on good authority he once took an unauthorized deduction for mileage on his federal taxes by mistake and DID NOT correct the receipt totals for the next year.

I'm behind Chass 100%. Hell, I know I'd never vote Biggio in the Hall if it were me who saw Craig teaching his five-year-old daughter to ride a bike on the sidewalk. It's not a goddamn sidebike, Craig.

There is no doubt in my mind that football coaches, even at the pro level, remain some of the most backwards and blockheaded people of the mentoring world, or that the undeniably mediocre Leslie Frazier and his staff have made many bad decisions for many bad reasons. But you'll have to excuse me if I am a little

Are you Gregg Easterbrook?

She's cute, but with the way she's pawing that white girl, I think she may be a lesbian.

Thankfully an ample supply of eh positive was on hand.

They used a "K" so the kid wouldn't accidentally end up at Harvard.

As of two seconds ago, I'm betting on Aaron Rodgers.

My fired what?