
LeBron James, or Kobe Bryant, or Chris Paul, possibly the three smartest players in the league.

Actually, my guess is that bragging on the internet is the reason he got the ticket instead of having the sale simply cancelled.

What a degenerate.

Hey, either way he's going to see someone who's willing to go to the crease.


He clearly misheard Kobe, who actually said, "Honestly, man, I don't really give assists."

It would be very interesting to see where these ladies are today.

You know that line in The Program where some poindexter is getting on the coach about the school being an institute of higher learning and the coach responds "Yeah, but when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment?" I always thought a good response would have been

they just need to create a side pool of $for all the things you listed, then at the end of the year all athletes in that sport divide the pot 100% evenly...problem solved and kids get $

True story: Back in the mid '90s, when C.B. Bucknor was still a vacation fill-in umpire shuttling between Triple-A and the NL, he called the desk where I worked at a prominent newspaper to complain about how he was listed incorrectly in box scores. Glad to see he's still making a name for himself.

I've not seen something blown like that since I went on a recruitment visit to Oklahoma State.

This. I would have killed to gone to university for free, simply for playing a game I happen to be fucking awesome at and enjoy. A game that I'll someday get paid millions of dollars to pay. And it's not like these guys have to actually "try" in class. They've got a "B" the second they waltz through the door for the

I just love this idea that not being in 6 figure debt when youre 22-23 because you could run fast or catch a dead animal isnt enough. "Ya but they make money for the university!1!1!1!1" you mean the university that isnt charging them $100,000 plus to attend? If you want to pay athletes fine but if you do that then

Why stop at college? A lot of high schools in TX make TONS of money on Friday Night Lights. Those athletes should be paid. Come to think of it, I saw like 30 people at a JFL game. And those kids are not only not paid, but are actually paying to play TRAVESTY!

No but he's paying to attend that history class.

How about football players shut the fuck up and stop bitching about going to college for free?? Or how about you take your scholarship seriously and stay the four years and graduate? Is that so fucking insanse to be able to enter the working class without being six figures in debt? O no i forgot we are supposed to

On a related note, all Sunday NBA games will end with the execution of the players for playing on the sabbath (unless they are Jews in which case they will be executed after Saturday games).

I told you Braves fans were everywhere.

Isn't taking a shit in the street in Cleveland considered urban renewal, or a beautification project?

The question has finally been answered.
Who will produce more, Andrew Bynum or his dog?