
What about motor and upside?


Progress, (> Latin pro "forward," gressus "step") "An arbitrary amount of time passed for one's chest-thumping and sanctimony to subside, in which time an archaic organization's ad hoc application of punishment can run its meaningless course, thus upholding that archaic institution's semblance of moral authority." See

"...the highest priority must be placed on educating, nurturing and protecting young people,”

The NFL will probably increase the fine based on her blatant taunting of Rashad Johnson.

It seems to me a more sincere gesture would be to re-institute the scholarships but make Penn State give them to students in social work or other fields that train people to work with survivors of child abuse whether they play football or not.

All this focus on Jacoby Jones getting whacked with a champagne bottle by a stripped named Sweet Pea, and yet no one talks about the almost entirely analogous incident in which a distracted librarian nearly knocked a half-full dixie cup of water onto Joe Flacco's plain white t-shirt.

What's that funky smell coming from Ray Lewis' house ?

... the meaningless baseball game proceeded.

The Hepatitis A's

"riding horses provided by the other"

I heard an iterview on mike and mike the day reid got fired. Golic suggested Reid would get another job easily. Sal Pal laughed and said reid was terrible, and would probably not coach next year. Maybe that is why reid does not like the d-bag.

Should note, for those unaware, that Sal Paolantonio has been around Philadelphia media (including Eagles) for about 20 years. Take that info how you want.

As part of a geographical triangle, Raleigh finds itself the victim of phantom happenings and questionable sightings.

Khan has instead decided to erect a statue of LeBron out of respect to soccer history and to solidify James' role as The King of Flop.

It's a serif, I believe.

This really is news.

I get that putting this problem under the microscope seems like the appropriate reaction here, but if they really want to take care of the issue, they should put it under the magnifying glass.

Yes, get to the bottom of it, Coach. So important to investigate who released damning audio that paints you as a total asshole. That's the important thing. Get on the same page with the administration — because there was a lot to this — and don't rush to judgment. Due diligence first. You have to know the

I think we have an answer to the question "Does a masseur for a soccer club only use his feet?"