About the same price, maybe a little more if you don't buy anything on sale. Black Friday is right around the damn corner, you can build a compute on par, if not better, for the same price as an Xbox 1 if not a little less if you don't include things like 60 dollar games(Steam winter sale, hello?) and paying for xbox…
In most of the world PC gaming is cheaper.
I've used near every OS under the sun and all operating systems have their glaring flaws. Even Linux. As far as Windows goes, 8 (or 8.1 for the pedants) it's so far proven itself as stable as anything they've put out. It's definitely the fastest Windows for booting up.
Yep, I get the feeling they're so married to metro, they can't see past its flaws.
I want you to go look at a ps2 game, then come back to me.
Chrono Cross music > Chrono Trigger music.
Heck if Call of Duty would have a bathroom scene. It would start by terrorist exploding out of the toilet. You fight him off by pressing X, then he run out of the toilet, while gasping and having a concusion. Toilet stall doors burst open and enemies start pouring in, toilets and faucets exploring everywhere, while…
You should write a Kinja post expanding your thoughts on this, I'm curious!
Added you, mine is 2294 4263 0381.
Added! thanks!
I'm not entirely sure if this is the place to do it, but for anyone else who'll be playing X and Y, my friend code is 3308-4814-7325
Must be a slow news day to have to report on 3 year old comments on a game that originally came out in 2008.