
I think a lot of people will find it valuable the day before release, especially those who are on the fence about playing it and want to know what a hardcore Final Fantasy fan thinks.

Some of the people responding to you have horrible reading comprehension.

Some players are suggesting, for example, to acquire a legit 3DS by purchasing one, extracting its information and injecting it into the banned 3DS, and then returning the new 3DS to retailers—potentially fucking over whoever goes on to buy that system in the future.

I disagree on it always being obvious its him, but besides that point, its exactly the same as other big A list celebrities. Shwartzenegger is never NOT Shwartzenegger, even when he’s playing a pregnant scientist. It doesn’t detract from the experience.

Two quick notes:

Your reading comprehension sucks

Airsoft guns haven’t been legal in NYC in a while. Kid was an idiot. He’s white though, so he’ll get off with a slap on the wrist.

Yep, there’s been nothing gun related in the news lately that would cause this kind of concern. Nothing at all. Nope. Not a thing.

So Telltale is pretty much a shovelware developer at this point, right? Find existing property, shoehorn it into your existing format and boom, free money.

All about you, homie.

Maybe the game just isn’t for you bro.

Or it might have something to do with them not having a console and not wanting to buy one that they won’t use solely to debug their mod release on. PC gaming is known for having to tweak settings because of hardware differences and console gamers aren’t used to mods and don’t understand limitations set by their

Nah, it’s more like “console players don’t deserve them because they’re sending us death threats and spamming our bug reports with requests, making it impossible to fix actual bugs.”

Notable E3 memories? Hmm.

During the Ubisoft conference, drink every time you feel uncomfortable

Are you guys going to report on the absolute shitshow the whole modding scene is right now? Console users sending death threats, harassing modders to make their mods PS4/Xbone exclusive, etc.

This....sounds like a missed opportunity. Random battles, choosing attacks, leveling up and connecting with your pokemon is the draw of the game. This sounds like very little of what I would want out of a Pokemon game.

Sorry prude. :)

I’ve always wanted a mechanic where I can import one of my characters from a previous game and have them as an antagonist. I had a character in 3 that I held off on collecting the SPECIAL bobbleheads until I took the Almost Perfect perk. He also had most of his stats at 100. Having that character as a nemesis would

I primarily play games through Steam, but outside of Windows 10 spontaneously upgrading—which was bullshit!—I’ve been very happy with Windows 10. No problems.