
Very excited for this. Also huge fan of Brandon and his work on youtube with; previously, freddie wong, and currently Node as well as his own channel. Psyched this project is gaining some attention.

Well, within the last year skyrim multiplayer mods have made a giant leap forward, if that counts. Things (open world, animations, combat, quests, npcs, players, equipment, etc) are actually synchronized now (which was the biggest issue keeping other projects moving forward), but not without major bugs still. This is

It works fine on windows. You just plug it in. Pretty sure Bluetooth works with it as well, but not sure. There are also programs you can install that allow it to have very extensive features, such as using the touch pad to control mouse movement, and changing the led colors, amongst other things. Pretty neat.

Huh. This mode doesn’t look half bad. Kind of think it’d be even more neat, if it had some form of multiplayer component to it as well — almost hunger games-ish. Of course, I don’t want it to be a persistent mode, like Dayz or anything, but just a match-based one that explores both cooperative and competitive... kind

I disagree on it not competing with the xbox controller in regular, gamepad supported games. The Steam controller has some many features and options that allow it to mimic any type of input, not just in how it’s recognized, but also in how it feels a bit — it’s really surprising, honestly.

There’s a ten dollar price difference for a reason, I’d presume. I’d like it to be rechargeable as well, but it’s not a huge deal as the reported battery life is pretty fantastic.

But that’s how innovation happens; risks, failure, hits. Sure, a company should listen to its consumers a little, but if the consumer was listened to 100% of the time, we wouldn’t have nearly as much cool shit as we do now. People are stubborn and often ignore what first-generation technology and software is: a

The video in the article is from an old texture pack released in 2012, and isn’t the same as the one shown in the screen shots. Not sure if you were aware of that or not.

No idea on Xbox one. But it’s no longer timed exclusive on ps4 to PC. They’ll both release around the same time.

I thought the pc gaming show was very refreshing and different. I enjoyed that it didn’t feel super business focused and came off more relaxed and charming. I thought the host did a great job and had quite a bit of charm/chemistry with most of the guests. I also appreciate that there were no dance numbers and nothing

Postal 2 was definitely satire. From my memory of the actual first game, that was completely not the case. I recall it basically being, “kill people” with no real humor or objective.

Postal 1 didn’t really have much humor in it from what I remember. it was Postal 2 that started trying to put a humorous spin on everything. Then again, my memory may be flawed.

The lego texturing makes me recall chewing legos as a child. I want gum now.

I don’t know... Did you play the first Postal? I wouldn’t really class it as having “fun” with it. It’s very similar to this game, just very old.

In the original free dlc announcement, CDPR stated that 16 dlcs would be free and that other, later and larger content would cost money. So, no, they couldn’t really be taken to court over it. I mean, someone could try, sure, but it wouldn’t go very far.

Sure, these expansions are technically DLC, but they’re using

They're doing 16 free, small dlcs. A couple are quest, alternate "costumes" for some of the main story characters, extra hairstyles, horse stuff, and other haven't really been announced. Then there are 2 EXPANSIONS that will cost money and add 30 - 40 hours of additional content sometime later this year/early next

Eh. It's the age of expression. Everyone has an opinion and has the tool to express it at their finger tips — anonymous or not. Everyone's also easily bothered by everything now and exclaiming every time something trips their alarm comes naturally.


I've never had a PC malfunction on me, all of them are working fine, from the windows 98, ME, Vista, 7, 8. Not a single one. Console games.. well.