
Firstly, thank you! Secondly, super sorry it took me this long to reply — yesterday was my birthday and I kind of got caught up in it. So, your budget is amazing. You can do quite a lot with it. I'm just letting you know though, you don't really NEED 2k for a good gaming PC. If you're using it for work as well, I

The 360 red ring and dis drive issues are considered rare? Never knew. The PS2's first generation also had a high disc drive failure rate. The PS3 also had a high volume of YLOD issues — though much less common than the red ring issue on the 360. Nintendo consoles are usually durable though. No hardware is immune to

Red Orchestra and ARMA tend to have great communities. I think you were reading into my comment a bit too much. Was just saying bad communities exist everywhere.

She's always been more of a SoulCalibur fan anyway.

I've had a Ps2 fail, a PS3 get the yellow light of death twice, a 360 red ring four times, a 360 have its disc drive fail, a ps3 have its hard drive fail (wasn't a big deal to replace myself) and only one PC I've ever owned has had a component fail — it was a graphics card that was in-warranty. It was painless to

Exactly that!

Yeah... Okay, sure. Whatever you say.

:( It's okay, dingus. I appreciate you!

You're right. As I said, I was just stating every platform has its own pros and cons. We could nitpick them all day, if we wanted. PC gaming has gotten way easier than it used to be and hopefully going forward it'll be even better — in terms of setup and maintenance. Windows 10 hopes to make driver installation more

xD That's great. How long ago did the botched computer bit happen? I'm assuming you've moved on to a better build since?

No, no, no. It is I who is the dingus now, for I was wrong. :(

Indeed. I mean, I've had a computer for 15 years that hasn't had a single issue. My three others are still going on five and working perfectly. Shit just happens, you know?

OH! YEAH! You changed your kinja name, you dingus.

Lmfao. I'm so sorry, man! I can't stop laughing though. I'm getting stares.

Yeah, you'll definitely want to venture in there anyway if you have an ssd. Some of the power settings can mess with SSD performance in the long term. The auto shutoff hard disk feature, specifically.

RIP mom ;'(

At least I can fix my machine myself without having to worry about whether Sony or Microsoft are going to charge me $250 for repairs. :(

That's fine. Whenever you do, feel free to reach out. My Skype is remorse_chaos (ignore the cringe name) and steam is Botcher.

This... I feel bad for you, but I must admit I giggled to myself for a few minutes imagining your girlfriend standing over you as you cried, not knowing wtf to do.

It can be difficult. Just depends where you go. People are just assholes regardless — everyone and their mother has a superiority complex when it comes to certain things. If you're still having trouble adjusting, I'd be more than happy to assist you!