If you need any help, friend. Let me know. I promise I won't yell at you.
If you need any help, friend. Let me know. I promise I won't yell at you.
Yeah, ATI drivers used to be horrible. Since rebranding and becoming just AMD though, things have been looking up. Their drivers are much more stable and better handled now.
Yeah, MOBAS are notoriously bad for this. But it's not only MOBAS though! Have you ever played a COD or Halo game online? *shudders* Honestly, online gaming communities are horrible.
Yeah. Hope it all works out. :P Look into the power setting thing anyway though! Even if it doesn't help, it's worth trying. I know I've had issues with windows' power settings in the past. For the most part they've been fixed as time has gone on, but you never know.
There's also a cheaper alternative coming out called Freesync. So there's that.
"Everything simply works" Except when it doesn't xD. Then you get red rings, yellow lights, house fires, disc drive failures, PSN outages multiple times a year, Xbox live outages, and children screwing your mother.
Your USB issue could be a failing port, a connector issue on the MB, or a power saving feature in windows gone wrong. Have you checked into any of these? The power saving bit would be found under windows 7/8's power options.
Can we be friends? :(
Hmmmm. I see your point and partially agree after rereading.
Someone else said something similar. While I get what you're saying, and mean no disrespect, but the whole "they max it out in terms of its own limits" thing is kind of stretching it and redirecting the original point. How do you think QA is done on PC and console games? It's done in much of the same way. What do you…
That was all false and absolute nonsense. But I'm assuming you're a troll. That's fine, as you made me laugh.
Sure... Whatever makes it sound better, I guess? People can play on whatever they want. I was just wanting to point out some logic flaws here and there.
Sure. But you can same the same with building a PC and not upgrading it. You don't HAVE to run everything maxed out, you just want to. That's why you upgrade. There's no gun against your head saying you absolutely need to, you just understand that your system, as it ages, will eventually have limits if you don't…
Not to be that guy, but:
"I get that you can build a PC and never touch it for 4 years and still play new games, my point was that if you wanted to play those new games at max settings, you have to regularly upgrade your equipment, something that isn't required for consoles."
The Postal I played (the original, not the second) was far from cartoony with its violence. Shit was disturbing.
Hmmm. Never tried fried sushi. O.o I'm definitely going to check it out. Seems really weird combining Japanese and Mexican food though. Strangely awesome sounding though.
That's disappointing. :( I'll definitely try to go though.
Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to find one near me, let alone in my city. >.> Thank you! Was the place any good?