
that's mostly due to YouTube's horrendous compression quality, sadly. :(

uplay bogging things down, maybe? Seems the best solution is to simply not play it.

It's also because the ps4 version of GTA V is capped at 30.

It's 30 with maybe a few dips. Though probably less in these gifs due to the quality it was streamed at. Looks more smooth than it is due to lack of input on the viewers end, etc. Though 30 fps is much better than 15 or 20 regardless.

Pretty sure it's the Ps4's notification thing and it just auto-blurs when streaming.

Or... The game just isn't that great?

They attempt to convince others just about as much as console users do in their "wars". Don't really see the difference. Everyone's an ass.

Two mid -range gaming PCs, is what I said. You could mange 2 mid-range gaming laptops on that budget as well.

wat. PCs are hardly useless at parties. I have a shit ton of local co-op and party games on Steam. My friends and I have a blast playing Gang Beasts and Legend of Dungeon, for two random examples. I'm not trying to argue with you or anything, but that entire statement was false. It's not like consoles are having a

I hear you. I've seen many games with shoddy support for gamepads, but more and more are being released with full support that isn't awkwardly implemented at all. I'd say there's more games on Steam with full support, rather than awkward implementation, now.

Yes, there's Diablo 3... But Diablo 3 was just generally a

Orcs returning from the dead seems like a completely understandable bug when you consider what the nemesis system is and does. I haven't run into such an issue and have over 60 hours put into the game.

Skyrim, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Dark Souls 2, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed franchise, Warframe, Fallout New Vegas, The Witcher 2. Those are the games I've played in the last week and a half that support controllers. I own 472 games on Steam, and 293 of them have controller support. I know that seems like a low

You could buy two sets of Ps4s and two tvs and dedicate them to lan parties for the cost of this "portable Ps4".

Not true. I use my home router to connect via remote play and play from my Uni and friends' homes all the time.

That's fine and awesome, but it's a bit off topic to what I was talking about. I'm not trying to convert the person into pc gaming; just merely pointing out what else you could get for the price — which is absurd, in my opinion.

On a sidenote: not everyone plays Call of Duty. I know, surprising.

Sure. I never said it was 800 pounds or anything. It's still a bit cumbersome looking and when you factor in the price... I don't know, whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I honestly use little suction things for my rear touch pad, makes it a lot better.

As for the computer bits with a controller, mostly every game I own uses a controller — besides the RTS genre and a few games here and there. When I say "a few", I mean it. The games that aren't compatible with a controller are usually

That's a bit excessive. You don't even know me. Someone's a bit too passionate.

I have used the Vita's remote play outside of my home and it worked brilliantly for me. There's been quite a few articles that have shown the same as well. I guess I see where you're getting at with your other points, but in the end it boils down to me: it's money that could be spent better elsewhere.
With that money,

You could get a good gaming laptop for the same amount of money. O.o If your argument is "PORTABLE PS4 GAMEZ!!11111" (which seems doubtful, as the thing looks a bit on the heavy side) then why not just use the vita's remote play? I just don't understand.