Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. Silly Ubisoft. I wouldn't go as far as calling it downright sexist though. Stupid? Yes. Immensley.
Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. Silly Ubisoft. I wouldn't go as far as calling it downright sexist though. Stupid? Yes. Immensley.
Sexism? Agree on the gameplay.
That "soap opera" effect doesn't really apply to video games, since most players enjoy it more when video games feel more realistic or play better — which is it what happens with higher fps. It's a smoother experience overall; not just in visuals, but controls, etc as well.
It's kind of hard to forget a common word found in the English dictionary.
Sure, turn-based strategy — fps won't matter as much. There have loads of games where I've noticed the difference between 30 and 60 fps. New and old games alike just are better at 60 fps. If the only game you noticed a difference is Dark Souls, then you haven't played very many games where you've reached 60 fps. Which…
Yes. immersive. Am I missing something?
There's a huge difference. With action games. Holy crap, when I first experienced Dark Souls 2 after having to use the dsfix in Dark Souls for so long (I
The human eye doesn't see in fps. The entire "can't register higher than" is a complete myth. Sorry to break it to you.
I disagree. "more cinematic". I'm sorry, action looks so much better when it's more fluid — which a higher fps creates. I just cannot agree with you there. I apologize.
Correct. Apologies for not clarifying that.
Movies are not video games. Framerate affects input lag, detail, animation, and so many other things. You aren't controlling a movie and if you were, that 24fps would start becoming a lot more intolerable. Movies also use a motion blur trick to try and smooth the gap in frames.
It's smoother, more immersive, has less input lag, and just generally looks better. 60 fps is great. So is 120 fps. There's a huge difference between 30 and 60 and once you've gotten a taste of the better option, it's really hard to go back.
I'm pretty sure most people agree both Destiny and Titanfall were a little bit overhyped. Not saying they're horrible games that shouldn't exist or anything, but I found them both to be quite "eh". Sometimes games are disappointing depending on taste; especially when you drop a significant amount on money on them.
Is it strange that I like the way this looks? >.> Looks like the original Sims.
If only there was a trick to reenable all of the cut Storyprogression features. :(
Holy crap, that passion. While it was a bit excessive in the long run, I am applauding the raw honesty and the defending of your work. You just got yourself another backer (not much compared to the many, but thought you should know).
I loved that game and miss it dearly.