
Ah, I believe it takes place in a snowy sort of region instead. :( Oh well, the Project Zomboid sandbox settings would be your best bet in that case (disabling of zombies and tweaking other game settings, etc). NPCS haven't been added yet, but the survival features are top-notch and unmatched in terms of depth.

I'm pretty sure that was

Sounds kind of like the idea behind Project Zomboid when you disable the zombies and eventually enable low populated npcs in the sandbox settings.

Most speculation is performance increase for lower end systems, but who knows the full reasoning behind it. Usually instead of stripping out said major system, developers work through its issues to improve it.

You need to do more research, pools and toddlers aren't the only thing cut. The entire open world system introduced in The Sims 3 was cut and replaced with a sectioned off neighborhood system found in The Sims 2.

I see where you're coming from, but at the same time I still feel the system should've been improved instead of removing it entirely . It's just an odd step back that honestly shouldn't happen with technology as it is now. We'll see how it turns out I guess.

If the next TES game decided to ditch the open world staple and go with streamlined, linear levels most fans would riot. It'd be a step backwards that wouldn't make sense to what has already been accomplished with the previous titles and would ruin a large portion the experience for players. The Sims 4 is introducing

I don't think the negativity is there just because it's EA. Someone brought up an example with Oblivion being scaled back and streamlined compared to Morrowind. If the next Elder Scrolls game decided to suddenly not have an open world, but ismall levels with loading screens and pitched it as a huge advancement, most

We're supposed to be happy they're "readding" loading screens and a closed world in 2014? I don't know, there seems to be some progression with the series, but at a pretty large cost.

False. It was a free upgrade/patch. They did the same for the first game. They just started reselling the retail versions with the enhanced edition patch already applied.

ITT: People who know nothing, Jon Snow.

What makes you think he has the invisible children build? How can you tell if you have said build and need to patch?

I feel misunderstood.

I think Pandas should be more represented in the gaming industry.

Am I the only one thoroughly enjoying this game? Yeah, it has its flaws; it isn't the best game ever, but I find it so much fun. The Dark Souls-esque invasions are a lot of fun and the gunplay feels nice overall — much better than Grand Theft Auto 5. The multiplayer aspects in general are better and more realized.

That's... Quite a lot of hate.

Sorry, are you talking about Bethesda or CD Projekt?


There was more drama?