

Let's renew our friendship vows.

Novi, let's be friends.

I'll give you potential.

That escalated quickly.

Figures. As soon as I first saw the gameplay trailer that had the quicktime takedowns that were also present in DE: Human Revolution (Not bashing that game, personal favorite actually), I knew it wasn't going to live up to the Thief name. :(

Not meaning any disrespect saying this, but those two games aren't the best as far as comparisons go. We've seen some purely gorgeous PC exclusive and PC-focused games come out that are still stunning to this day and those would probably be better to compare. As Skyrim and GTA V are multiplatform games that require

I think you missed the point, friend.
It's like FTL and Mass Effect in terms of both concepts... Not the individual games by themselves. I'm not sure if you understood the actual point. Or maybe you're just looking for an opportunity to throw your opinions around, if that's the case, carry on.

You must be fun at parties, huh?

I missed my release date once.

Bloom = Next-gen?

How about that...

Didn't they end up saying they weren't' going to do anything with it any time soon, as it was too expensive and complicated? I can't be bothered to look for the source article at the moment, as I'm getting ready for work. But uh, if true, I could honestly see Sony's idea not working for long. I'm sure there's a reason

Wat? I disagree, I'm sorry. :(

It's a lot more in-depth than Terraria. Also, the guy that did the art and sprites for Terraria is doing Starbound's.

Vote for it on Greenlighhhhhttt! Also, there's a free demo on their site.

It's a pirate simulation rogue-like. It's fun as hell.

You mean the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon?

I know that feel. :( #wp8problems

Well yeah, Publishers and developers have this whole, "Me too" philosophy when it comes to something being done successfully the first time. There are a lot of shooters that are copy+paste and awhile back there were tons of fantasy RPGS that were trying to be the next Oblivion. That doesn't necessarily mean that every