
Project Zomboid, State of Decay, a few others that I'm forgetting at the moment. Project Zomboid fits more with what you just described though. PC only and still alpha, and just went on Steam's early access.

Nice to see someone else using Windows phone and loving the UI on it. :P I don't dislike/like the metro design on the desktop experience, as it feels too bloated and "in your face" at times. The tile design seems weakest when horizontal. On the plus side, I've never had to use the start screen, nor did I have to use

Same can be said when 7 released its first year and it still has its own problems.

Lol! I see someone fell for the title.

Oops. Just made a post about that. Lol

Pretty sure this image is from a parody anime called, "Gintama".

Eh. I dislike the Call of Duty games, but that's only my personal preference. I've been bored of the typical fps for awhile though, so Battlefield is something I dislike as well.
I don't think my reasons for not enjoying the games have any correlation to my skill, my relationships, or anything else besides the lack of

Well, they are bringing Liberation to Psn, Xbox Live, and pc, aren't they? So, there's that.

Rune Factory 4 came out recently. It's basically Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon meet The Legend of Zelda, with a slight hint of Pokemon/Digimon with its monster taming/training.

I completely agree with all of your concerns. I wonder if this is going to affect Miiverse on the 3ds though. :/ I was really just now starting to get into swapnote after realizing you could message people online with it. Such a damn shame.

I thought it was stated earlier that the ps4 wouldn't support external hard drives?

I'm from the states as well. Sorry. But, if you still want to add me, my friend code is just above your first reply. :) I've added you.

You've got this. Jump in!

Oh dear, my list is full now. D:

added both of those. Awaiting your add back. 1005-8971-8838

Added, don't forget to add me back. :) 1005-8971-8838 I didn't get a confirmed friend notice off you.

added you, and moving through the list. Btw, I don't think you added me originally, or if you did, you may have entered the wrong friend code. D: fc: 1005-8971-8838

Oh wow, nice. This'll be useful. *Hijacking, I'M SORRY*

added! I know, it's been a week... >.> FC: 1005-8971-8838

added.fc: 1005-8971-8838