
Added. ^_^

My FC: 1005-8971-8838

Added. ^_^

My FC: 1005-8971-8838

Oh wow, thanks. I already got my own invite earlier this month actually. Thanks anyway though :).

Added. ;P

Ah, I see. No worries, I was only curious if I was missing something by misinterpretation. Thanks for setting it straight. :)

Ah. Well, that would make sense I guess.

Added. :D

Added. :)

Added ya. :)

Added ya. Make sure to add me back :D
FC: 1005-8971-8838

Thanks, found yours and refriended. :)

I'll send one your way, regardless if this is the appropriate place for such things. ^_^

What do you mean by, "I don't know if I like the item glow thing..."

Do the NPCS actually swim? I always found it a bit jarring when the past GTA games would have beaches with people lining them, but no one swimming.

You're right, she did. Between the wall-of-screenshots... I actually did read the article, but completely missed that sentence. I'm actually not even sure if it was there originally, though it probably was.

Good point. I completely missed that the first read through actually.

Those comments were made 1 to 3 years ago... Talk about beating a dead horse.

Yes or no?! I need you to make my decisions!
