Man, this song just hit me right in the childhood feels. So many bittersweet memories. Thank you for bringing this back to me.
I also can't wait to see how it correlates to Pokemon and Animal Crossing in some fashion, as well as the future YouTube spoofs and fan music videos to be posted about it. Let's not forget the article in which the game will be dissected and presented as a comment on modern society and culture.
This was actually... Very enjoyable to watch. I want more Fahey road trip videos!
In Kirk's place, YOU BETTER.
I believe the arpg you're thinking of is called, "Sui Generis". It looks potentially glorious.
Sorry, but that's just not realistic expectations. Development changes constantly and it was less that they got excited and more that they didn't reallocate the predicted time to add all of this new content after its successful Kickstarter as well as they should have — nothing's been "mucked up". I do note that you…
And, in my opinion, InXile isn't looking for reasons to rake in more money at all. They are simply delaying their game as they are adjusting to their scope... which is why the hostility on this article was unwarranted.
I did read the article. Unfortunately, I've also read the other articles concerning negativity towards Kickstarter and its projects from Kotaku.
A delay? OH MY GOD. Alert the press, Kickstarter is evil.
It's alright. It snowed yesterday. :(
Saw "Patricia" and "Animal Crossing" and bailed.
It's not like Killer is Dead doesn't have a similar quirk to it. Who cares, as long as the game is fun. It may be odd to me, but I also understand there are different moralities embedded in different cultures.
Lol, yes! I played it originally when I was very, very young... I think I was Middle School. I was confused about the plot and mechanics of the game and ended up starting a fight with the immortal pirates early on, not knowing they were immortal... I reloaded and tried again so many times.
I LOVED this game when I played it on the original Xbox back in the day. I ended up redownloading it a few years back for PC and didn't have much luck finding good mods.
That troll edit.
Well then, this is damn upsetting news for me. I thought the original ideas Human Head had for Prey 2 were immensely interesting and was really looking forward to it being eventually made. I love Arkane for Dishonored and Dark Messiah, but it is so saddening to see a promising title, even if it was mostly concept,…