
Indeed, I am as well!

Wait... It releases in only a few weeks? My wallet is ready.

That was hilarious and made me want to replay Dishonored.

Can't wait to see the new hooker reveal.

Automobiles confirmed.

Automobiles confirmed.

I'm sure he realized that and was making a joke.

Tell me, friend, what do you know of time travel?

Yeah, sorry about that. Like I said to the other guy, I had searched before making the comment. I guess the search feature on IGN mobile is silly. :(

Welp. I suck. I had searched on ign's mobile site before posting that comment, just to verify it, and got no hits. :( Way to crush my ego.

Except ign hasn't had an article about this game in months, and that the devs have yet to even announce a release date.

Any news on what's

Well then, this is interesting. I'm kind of liking this so far, though I'm sure it needs to sink-in a bit more for me. I don't know if I like the "centered" view the pages all have at the moment though; guess I was used to the previous side bar.


Some find enjoyment and fun with the series. I've played all three and find them alright. It is sometimes nice to get away from serious portions of life and just wreck ridiculous, dude-bro havoc by myself and with a friend.

I saw a pear. It was whole, yet small and was irrelevant to everything in the world.

Attraction towards something is considered sexist now?

It's psychological.

It's psychological, yes. But I've seen plenty a of strong-willed people develop unhealthy dependencies on a vast amount of things, so while a strong will "helps" prevent dependency (in some cases, as I said, it doesn't really. it's subjective.), sure, that in no way should imply that the person is less of a person

Agreed 100%. Nicely said.

This may sound backwards, but I'm actually appreciative of the sense of mortality the developers have added to this game. Too many video games and other forms of media desensitize everyone to violence and very few show violence and death for what it truly is.