That's exactly what bothered me about it; the struggle.
That's exactly what bothered me about it; the struggle.
That is exactly what made it disturbing for me. Which is strange, because I've definitely seen a lot more horrible things.
oh dear, that impaling throat .gif. *Shudder*
God, men suck. They're so horrible. We should just hang them out to dry and just farm them for semen, seeing as that's all they're good for.
Exaggeration much? PC's don't cost nearly that much. ;)
See the following:
Shut up, Jason.
If that was a joke, you're hilarious and I love you. If not, you're unintentionally hilarious.
JJ Abrams had nothing to do with Avatar, you're thinking of James Cameron. Nice try.
Half expected Kotaku to throw sexist/racists accusations around throughout this.
Dat music.
"This just in: Prince Harry reveals he enjoys eating bananas from the tree! Give us a moment to develop a rational that makes him out to be racist and sexist."
So having fit, muscular, sometimes shirtless, attractive men isn't considered eye candy? That double standard. Sexy isn't sexist.
I did. I've also read the book it's based off of. I can appreciated the satire, but that wasn't all the books were (and I'm presuming it will be the same for the film).
What. People think this actually looks good?
And also has a lot more direction and interesting ideas for features.
Can't wait for this to release, been waiting for so long now.
Don't know if any of these deals can beat that accidental, glitched 90% off Bethesda collection on Gamersgate. Man, that was a long time spent hitting refresh... but, oh so worth it.