If you felt burned by The Witcher 3 - even after the downgrade from the trailers - you probably won’t be satisfied by graphics for a good 10-20 years.
If you felt burned by The Witcher 3 - even after the downgrade from the trailers - you probably won’t be satisfied by graphics for a good 10-20 years.
I’ll tell you exactly how they’ll mess this one up: you’ll make a bunch of choices that very obviously don’t matter at roughly three frames per second.
It’s incredible how they dropped the ball so hard on GoT while somehow knocking Borderlands, of all things, out of the park.
If it was just smooth colors, it’d look great... but that vault boy really kills it.
You should. Episode 2 was by far the weakest episode in the series. It only gets better from where you left off.
So then... you don’t need 17+ buttons to drive in a game. You need 2 buttons, and some mode of steering.
No worries, your English is pretty good. My favorite was Bumblebee, because I loved chaining the vehicle attacks, and Grimlock was my close second. I totally understand preferring others, though. They all feel amazing. I haven’t even done much with Wheeljack yet.
All very true. I really wish they’d had the time and the budget to flesh it out some more; it could have been amazing. But I feel like it was priced just right for what they were allowed to do.
Yeah, I did the same thing for a while, but you get used to him. And I can’t recall playing another action game character who does a combo-based stance dance like him. Fighting games, sure, but he feels really fresh and fun in an action game.
Hell, by the standards of $15 licensed games, it was good. It just wasn’t up to any sort of full-price game standards. And, for some reason, that’s what everyone used to judge it.
I never watched Transformers cartoons, and I have no nostalgia for the series. I bought this game on launch, solely because Platinum has never betrayed my trust. I came in with the mindset that this was a dumb franchise that was never worth my time.
Were you playing on hard? I haven’t tried it on hard yet, but first time through I was on Normal, and I was mildly disappointed at how much easier it was than the first boss.
Not as deep as Bayonetta, but deeper than any action game not made by Platinum, and made excellent by the fact that each of the 5 characters has their own little twist on the combo system. Grimlock is especially fun.
If every other iteration had it, then fair enough. Again, fuck Harmonix, and fuck me for not knowing that.
It is a disappointing decision by the developers. I have no intention of disputing that.
I beat the main story earlier today. If you just gun it, it’s around 5 hours. But several chapters take place in a big open world-ish zone with tons of collectables, there’s a bunch of extra challenge missions, and the 5-hour main story alone has a lot of replay value. I definitely think it’s worth the price.
The voice acting in Dark Souls was phenomenal. It fit perfectly with the world, which enriched the atmosphere, which helped drive game sales. If Dark Souls had the voice cast of Star Ocean 4, it would have flopped.
Don’t worry. They’ll move on again soon enough.
The character value seems to be a problem early on, but I think they may have given the leveling system an overhaul since you last played. From what I’ve played today, the very first level up from Rookie to Vet is a drastic increase in quality. The rookies definitely start out super week, but that third kill turns…
No problem. They didn’t give any specific time frames, but I would be surprised if the OSX version isn’t out by the end of 2015.