
I’m a backer, and according to a backer update they sent two weeks ago, Mac is on the way. There are still some outstanding bugs in the OSX version, and they didn’t want to delay the PC version or put out a subpar game for their Mac fans, but it’s definitely going to happen. Hope that helps.

I’m just praying for a new engine. They’re not the only episodic release adventure game company around anymore. Every single competitor has shown that episodic adventure games can be done without chugging along at 3 FPS half the time, and often with more impressive graphics. They need an engine that can finally catch

In answer to your wonder of how many people will actually buy this: All of the people. All of the people will actually buy this. Minecraft competes with Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto for sales figures, and the brand name alone will push tens of millions of sales.

I’m not a fan of Telltale either, but I’ll sure as

As others have pointed out, there’s a big distinction between “doesn’t have” and “doesn’t rely on”, and the devs used the latter. Though I’m guessing that’s what you mean by word games.

Perhaps they are too, given that they didn’t tell you that.

Of course they can. And other people can reply with annoyance if their negativity adds nothing to the conversation.

The original trailers all used shots from a very limited set of early-game areas, so that most of the areas and enemies would still surprise players. I’ll bet they’re doing the same here.


My hope is that The Witcher influence would be options in the plot, good combat, and good pacing, none of which are conveyable in screenshots. I feel like those three areas are where Ni No Kuni was weakest. Especially the pacing; Attack on Titan could teach Ni No Kuni lessons there.

It has Amazon Prime, so the shipping should be free, even internationally.

KH constantly leapt between different company’s exclusive consoles within the same generation. That’s a very different situation from franchises that upgrade to the newest hardware within the same console family. The new generation are very different systems from a coding standpoint (especially PS4 to PS3), and it

Your opinion. The only increase had been in graphics and not very much at that, there was a bigger difference from PS1 to PS2, from PS2 to PS3... than there is remotely from PS3 to PS4.

I told you. The entire core. The idea that there isn’t much of an upgrade, that games like Arkham Knight could “easily” be downgraded, that it’s in a company’s best interests to spend money developing subpar products that probably won’t move enough units to make up for the costs of porting it to an EOL platform.

“...hell even the Final Fantasy 7 Remake would feasibly be possible on the PS3 and X360...”

I think this is where I stopped shaking my head and started just laughing. The entire core of your argument is incorrect.

Your culture is hideously accepting of rape. So is ours. Both deserve to be viciously criticized. Don’t pretend like our evils excuse yours.

It’s quite good. A little short, but worth playing, especially for free.

We know that the MGS composer has said multiple times that he is salaried, and recieves no royalties whatsoever. The severance idea is very possible, though.

No, not really. By most of the world. Particularly, anyone and everyone who isn’t a pedant.

If you want an actual debate on the subject, reply to RyRyBeardGuy and DrWinkles. They’ve both posted good arguments, and your lack of replies to them is rather telling.

More commonly, and quite fairly, known as “Americans”.

I’d rather have both. Sell the game for free with the stamina system, and give it, say, a $20-30 in-app purchase that gives you infinite stamina for life. Every consumer wins. But it won’t ever be implemented, because it would mean the companies can’t take advantage of addicts anymore.