It is on the Disney Channel, but it’s one of those shows like Adventure Time that’s aimed at kids, but packs in humor and references specifically for the adults. I recommend watching a couple episodes, just to see if you like it.
It is on the Disney Channel, but it’s one of those shows like Adventure Time that’s aimed at kids, but packs in humor and references specifically for the adults. I recommend watching a couple episodes, just to see if you like it.
Over the Garden Wall, Venture Bros, Gravity Falls, Archer. Ordered from most amazing to really amazing.
Rika Muranaka, the composer for MGS 1-3, mentioned it on the Metal Gear Central podcast when she was asked her theory about why the split is happening. That doesn’t really surprise me. Most big developers in the US don’t get royalties, and I’d imagine it’s even less common in Japan’s corporate culture. Her theory also…
Developers aren’t legally entitled to any substantial cut, unless they’re lucky enough to have it in their contract. Kojima himself is purely salaried, and doesn’t get any royalties from the games he directs. I highly doubt the rank and file of KojiPro are better off.
I have, for various reasons. Most of those reasons will be destroyed by Steam Link. The only one I can think of that will survive is that I sometimes buy games on multiple systems specifically because I want to give the devs more money. I own Shovel Knight on four different systems, and I very happily payed full price…
Here’s an alternative: game gets delayed, but devs are honest about the fact that it might happen and that no timeline is set yet when asked. Some people bitch and cry. Other people defend the devs, since they’re just doing their job as best they can.
Wait a bit and buy it used. You get your game, Konami doesn’t get your money, and the devs get paid the same regardless.
Well, Arkham Knight and Wither 3 are all capstones to wildly popular trilogies, while Mad Max is unproven in the video game industry. I wouldn’t blame Warner Bros for being wary about doing a huge blitz for it, especially in the middle of the Arkham Knight fiasco. If they’re still dead silent around mid-August, I’ll…
I think the second one is Arthas from Warcraft/WoW, and the 4th is giving me Dead Space vibes. Not sure about either one, though.
I’m really curious about the consoles. #1 is an OUYA, so Master Chief obviously makes sense there. #3 is an XBone, and #4 appears to be some random PC. But I have no idea what the hell I’m…
Azure Gunvolt was developed & published by Inti Creates (a.k.a. the developers of Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, the whole Zero series, and tons of other great stuff). Inafune was brought on partway through Gunvolt’s development as an “action director”, but Comcept itself wasn’t involved.
Good point. Envy isn’t hatred. But it’s not specifically desire, either. Envy is the resentment caused by someone else having something you wish you had. “Hating success” isn’t a literal phrase; it’s an idiom for when someone spends so much time resenting the success of others, and trying to pull others down for it,…
Trump is hardly the first idiot to yell about how everyone is jealous. He’s just the biggest one in the spotlight today.
The problem is, many people really do hate other people’s success. That’s what envy is. Narcissists like Trump use envy as an excuse to dismiss all criticism, which is obviously wrong, but denying…
Are you under the impression that Donald Trump invented envy? I think you give him too much credit.
“Seem” is an important word there.
I could see arguing that there’s a reduction in quality if the development time was shrinking between games, or even staying constant. But each game since the first has had more development time than the one before it. Admittedly, it only goes up by about a month each time, but that’s significant when the starting…
You pick strange targets for your hate.
Makes sense. That was one of the pieces of concept art in the original campaign.
In the fight between the original Xbox and the PS2, anyone who wanted JRPGs had a clear choice with the PS2. My guess is that at the start of the new console generation, Microsoft wanted to steal some of that market, so they bought up some exclusives. But none of the 360-exclusive JRPGs were big sellers, the public…
At this point, I think that’s kind of like complaining about pixel art. It’s perfectly fair to say it’s overused and copied, but it’s still far from the most overused styles in the industry. Even though it’s (arguably) an outright copy, it can sometimes feel like a breath of fresh air, because it’s something different…
The beta does not support PS3 fightsticks. However, they’ve said that they’re talking to Lab Zero about using the Skullgirls driver, and hope that PS3 sticks will be usable on release day.