
The top thread on this article is someone complaining about how he doesn’t want politics on a gaming website. Her comment is absolutely necessary.

Technically, he didn’t rape her, based on accounts... He allowed a minor to engage in unconsensual sex, produced child porn, and distributed said child porn, which should have cost him far more than the limp slap on the wrist he got.
In fact, given state law, he should have gotten 5-7 years, plus 1 year per person whom

First time in my life that I hear the phrase “Better than Super Metroid”.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Fair enough. I for one as an educated consumer have only pledged more or less successful projects. Doing your homework minimizes losses.


Are we seriously having this conversation? It’s like talking about Minecraft’s visuals. Stylised with intent. Photorealism ain’t it.

Man, this looks amazing. I’ve been playing Undertale all week and it’s been knocking my socks off! It has gone from reminding me of the first time I played all of my favorite games as a kid, games like Final Fantasy IX, Earthbound, DDR, and hell, even some parts of Demon’s Souls with some of its writing (Maiden

Well it can be tricky, if the person comes out and says that they have a new name and would like to be called by that pronoun associated with that name. Do your best to call them by their request.

My word gamers are the worst, most obnoxious and toxic fucktards in the world. Second only to Republicans.

Even somebody’s life choices and circumstances, completely not the business of random people, are subject to “approval” of her “fans.”

Go fuck yourselves.

To be fair, brain damage likely accounts for over 50% of his support.

I mean, Toby uses the worst parts of critical 10/10 reviews on Undertale’s Steam page so...

FF9 and FF6 are the best in the series.

The only people who thing FF8 is the best FF are people for whom FF8 was their FIRST FF.


I’m betting those people disappointed didn’t even play Bayonetta (or Bayo 2) in the first place.

Most of the time, we’re lucky to get both a peninsula and a city. And I just think “but what about the layout of that bar??”

“Oh, no, it’s just that they like something I haven’t played yet and now refuse to play because they like it so much.”

For a minute there I thought this was a hilarious new parody by Kate Beaton and friends.