
Again, seriously, thank you. That looks very interesting, and I’ve bookmarked it to come back to when it’s not late at night and I can sink in for at least a day.

But it still doesn’t end the conversation. I love Undertale’s art, not because it’s a masterpiece, but because it does exactly what the game required: it

I am saying that the art in a game should be judged on how it contributes to that game. Art separate from a game should be judged solely on its own qualities.

Judged solely on its own qualities, Undertale’s art is kind of shit. Judged on how it enhances a fantastic game, it is great.

The gifs in this forum are amazing.

...You think that comparing silly, unrealistic fantasy GIFs to anything that came out in a real game is a fair comparison?

There isn’t much point in arguing with that.

I dunno, I think you could still manage it. You’d just need another style switch.

I’m mostly imagining a disturbingly realistic final boss that moves like the Babadook.

Detail is certainly nice, but I think that the most important thing pixel art - or any video game art, for that matter - can do is use an art style that complements the game itself. Undertale nailed that.

That’s how it makes a lot of people feel. That’s pretty much why it’s gotten so much rabid popularity so quickly. It hits the same notes that the old classics hit.

Took me a few seconds to realize that your name doesn’t involve this guy:

Trust me. After a rough couple of weeks is the perfect time to play Undertale.

Did you play it on PS3, by any chance? God of War definitely beats that port.

Is she really mid kick? Because she’s very obviously winding up for a punch, but it’s unclear just what the hell she’s doing with her legs. If the next panel was really a kick, I’d be even more disappointed.

Undertale doesn’t really fall into that split, though. It’s a great story, supported by a good gameplay system that jumps up into great during some fights.

That’s probably to your benefit. The less you know, the better, because some of the best parts come as a surprise. It’s absolutely worth playing, though. You’ll either fall in love with it, justifying the purchase, or you’ll hate it, but you’ll be able to articulate why without falling back on “Meh, fans ruined it!”

Antman was definitely in there. But, to be honest, I don’t think he really had to be, and that’s coming from someone who LOVED Antman

Your willful obliviousness does you a disservice. Unless you’re trollin’.

Good for you.

You clearly didn’t play enough PS2 games.

Let me rephrase: more than $50 for a stream box is too expensive. And yes, that means the Apple TV is also too expensive, but at least it isn’t by such a large margin.

People give it plenty of credit for being the most powerful streaming box on the market. Its problem is that people also (quite fairly) give it shit for its $200 price tag. It’s far too expensive for just a streaming box, and the biggest thing that justifies the price - 4k - doesn’t matter to most consumers with

Have you seen Kaine from the first Nier? This is nothing in comparison.

There’s one particular mechanic which absolutely prevents it from coming out on consoles, and really only works if unspoiled.