
You’re right. That isn’t okay for paid mods. Which is why I would love it if modders had some sort of payment model, so that they could have any incentive, at all, to polish their mods.

I am not. Japan has the smallest market, and that marketshare only really matters for games where there isn’t much mass market appeal outside of Japan (visual novels, etc). Silent Hill is an established international brand, and if the company was smart, they’d treat it as such. That is 100% serious.

“I have never heard it used” doesn’t mean it hasn’t been used. It certainly has, and the translation is a good one.


I... don’t think you know how either boobs or implants work.



Oh, absolutely. Japan is the most insignificant market, especially for a game with wide appeal like a new Silent Hill. But you just try telling a Japanese company that.

When there are only 11 Xboxes in their entire country, it’s kind of hard to blame them.

When AAA publishers drove companies like ID and DICE into the dirt, leaving only the smaller devs to take real risks.

Every Souls game teaches the most basic mechanics. They’re always in messages in the intro level.

I could’ve sworn that there was a shot of them crawling out of her belly when I played this. Might have been later in the scene, after the video ends. Or it might have been my imagination.

Well, if she just threw up/spit bugs all over Mileena’s face, then they wouldn’t have been able to chew their way out of her stomach, which is much more cruel.

I can see using a map for Souls games. I usually go back through an area with a map after beating the boss to get whatever I missed. Using a straight up guide, though... that just defeats the point of so much of the gameplay design.

Nope, just my trusty Drake Sword.

I beat him on the first try before the update, and started a new game after it to try a different build. It didn’t seem like the update changed him much. I hear he was much harder in the demos, though. Especially that time he was invisible...

Sure, but why play a Souls game in the first place if you want everything to come easy?

Every time I read about people’s experiences with Dark Souls 1 bosses, I feel like I somehow played it wrong. I beat Capra on my first attempt. Then I proceeded to get the shit kicked out of me by the Gaping Dragon for several hours.

Steven Universe is so good that they could do a non-canon crossover with Uncle Grandpa for April Fool’s day and it didn’t suck.
