Nintendo, creators of the Nintendo Direct, are based in Japan. A place which is not, in fact, everywhere in the world.
Nintendo, creators of the Nintendo Direct, are based in Japan. A place which is not, in fact, everywhere in the world.
This is coming from Japan, where today is April 2nd.
Agreed. But just so you know, "slanted towards" means in favor of something. So, "heavily slanted towards women" means women have a heavy advantage. It doesn't seem like that was the intent.
The moment someone talks about "the death of conversation", everyone should know that they have not thought things through and probably aren't worth listening to.
I regularly go over 140 characters in text messages. Because I know that the person reading them will get them all at once, and won't mistake anything for a single lone tweet. There is no point of comparison between twitter and texting; they serve entirely different purposes.
♪ Someone doesn't know who GamerGateFortress is. ♪
True, I didn't include that; I can see why it's a good idea for a PR representative, or anyone else in media. But I am not in media. 99% of people are not in media. And I can't think of a reason for that 99% to have an account, other than to uselessly flail at people in media. Which is not a good reason.
I'll never be convinced that even making a Twitter account is a good idea. 140 characters is long enough to be a sociopathic shitbucket in any circumstance, but it's rarely long enough to actually make a good argument.
You do not get rape and death threats against you or your family in any normal setting. But we do agree on one thing: being sane will always be trendy.
Fuck. Yes.
It's not just luck. I had the same experience. It's definitely not 100% based on double clicking.
I'm not surprised this slipped through, because double clicking isn't the sole cause. I did a long quest yesterday where I was double clicking all over the place to swap in and out of a disguise, and my character's abilities were/are just fine. There's some other special circumstance involved.
If you got to Father Gascoigne, you ran right past the Cleric Beast. He's at the end of the big bridge with the first two wolf beast things.
Yep. When you get hit, it moves a little white bar down the health meter, and you've got a short window of time where hitting will move the bar back up before you lose your health down to the bar. Also, healing items are plentiful (at least early on, where I am) but slow you down too much to rely on them in a big…
Because he's trollin'. Look at his other comments on this article.
The gameplay doesn't feel like more of the same to me. I played the previous ones as a cautious turtle, and they certainly were a slog in the beginning. I tried to do that here, and got destroyed. Unlike its predecessors, it's designed to punish turtles and reward rampaging honey badgers.
They're not actually that difficult. The difficulty comes from the fact that they require adaptation, learning from your mistakes, and paying close attention, things most video games don't require. They thrive on forcing you out of your comfort zone. Sure, they probably could put in an easy mode, but not without…
Warning: There is a Twitch embed at the bottom. It autoplays, so you'll have to scroll to the bottom and pause it quickly! Sorry, nothing we can do.
I never said Riot was sexist. I don't think there's been much opportunity for sexism in competitive League yet, because as Samus mentioned, the numbers aren't there yet. I think that once we get more women playing at a professional level, it'll be interesting to see which teams are willing to recruit them.
I highly doubt there's anywhere near as much crossover as the complainants think. If I go on twitch for good gaming, I'm not going to want to watch someone with boobs play games poorly, and vice versa.