Boneyard Rendezvous

I don’t want money. I don’t want a truck. Its my body, its my choice. I think the only thing that got shut down in my state was the schools. In fact, I think the governor signed something to make it illegal to require masks. I feel bad for the people who live in states where they are holding everything hostage, I

Tape them up again?

The gravel road to my property floods about every other year at minimum. Mine is muddy floodwater, and you’re never sure exactly how much of the gravel has washed out and where. You need to drive a truck, and take it slow. It might get real deep real fast.

Every time I see a slideshow article I think peter thiel could have tried a little harder.

I already do most of the housework, so not having to fuck about with somebody else’s shit all day will free up a lot of time for me. Plus, I’d get to hang out with my kid all day. Just cutting grass takes up the rest of the day after I get off work. Having the chance to do that before lunch sounds great.

A buddy and I have been talking a lot about if we can adapt a holley dominator EFI system to run a combine or tractor, and then sell them as a modified kit. I bet we could, but deere would be so far up our asses with lawsuits we would never be able to work again. You rarely see an independent operation with a deere,

Ammo and gun parts are through the roof too. Millions of first time owners, all buying thousands of rounds. Personally, I think they would be better off putting some of that money into a few good training courses.

I’m not saying that he’s innocent or anything. But you make him mad enough he could bankroll lawsuits for the next year with his pocket change.

This is gonna end up like gawker all over again.

I like to imagine that its just one unlucky guy who keeps wrecking trucks on this. The next company to hire him will be a moving company because he has hundreds of hours of windshield time in a box truck. After 6 months on the job, he peels back another one. He does penske trucks in his downtime when he’s not driving “

If the Roxor was street legal, I’d buy one in a heartbeat. Diesel, manual, no frills, straight axles. I don’t want all the excess bullshit, or pay the money for shit I’ll never use.

Well, you can have a stock of supplies and still have firearms. I wouldn’t want to be the guy with supplies for his family and no way to defend them from the starving masses. The guy too stupid to be prepared is probably going to do something stupid to get food for his family. I’m not overly concerned about it in my

Yea. I get asked why I don’t drive my work truck every day. Because it’s a v10 and gets awful mileage. And I work 45 minutes away from home. Work does not pay for gas, so unless I need it for a reason, it stays at home. It has a time and a place.

I always wondered why everything had new tires. Tires still dry rot if you never mount them on a rim. Compared with making gas, tires are impossible.

Agreed. Its like movie piracy. They might never have had those sales without those discounts. Maybe if they weren’t price fixing cars they would have more sales.

The one had 12 cylinders. That’s like 2 straight 6's. Twice the gas mileage. I’d assume that v8's are just more common. I have a slant 6 with a carb, and a studebaker straight 6, but I have several carbed v8s. Not too many people pull a v8 to drop in a more economical engine, and almost nobody buys and sells

They have some smaller engines in the movies. Fury road had a couple air cooled cars and the gyrocopter from road warrior.

And I was referring to dead in the Mad Max universe. Those guys are not going to be able to diagnose, source, and replace the myriad of sensors that will shut down a modern engine.

If I had a deep enough wallet, a few thousand gallons pretty easy. But I live in flyover country. You don’t drive the combine to the gas station every time you need to fill it up. You have tanks on the farm that store it, and usually a truck with a transfer tank in the bed. If every farmer decided to top off every

Old V8s are ridiculously easy to work on. Modern stuff has sensors and stuff that if it goes out, that engine is dead. 

I live deep in the bible belt, and I’ve found there are at least 2 types of religious people. The type you describe, who are just shitty people and hide behind religion. And the actual good folk, who hit up every community event, bake sale, after hours school program, charity program, finds time to babysit other