Boneyard Rendezvous

I’ve seen this play out a hundred times on another hub. It will work good enough.

You’d have been better off with over cleaner and some rags. That aluminum is toast.

The world doesn’t revolve around citizens, but cops sure as fuck think it revolves around them, and if it doesn’t, they will get violent about it.

I understand gizmodo’s hate boner for thiel, but I dont understand why you keep posting shitty things about him. Gonna end up getting sued again. He can bankroll lawyers for eternity.

It quit being fun when they took away all the spec options. Now its all cookie cutter builds. There is only one good way to play each spec, and all the gear is built for that. We had so much fun finding new ways to play, new ways to do raids.

Making artificial reefs!

Now I want a “David Tracy Certificate of Excellent Condition”.

I love the old AMC Gremlins. My gramps was very fond of them. Lots of memories riding around in the back. One day I’ll find one in decent shape with a blown engine that I can squeeze a big block into and drive as my weekend beater.

This is gonna fly like a lead balloon. If they want to target first gun buyers, they need to drop that price to like $200. First gun buyers either have experience and know what they want, or they have no clue and want to buy something inexpensive. I’m sure they will sell a few, but probably to people wanting the

I can see this working for a very specific market, but no regular people are going to buy one. Maybe rich folks who can afford the cost only to ride twice a year when its convenient.

Skynet is already here, but instead of us having all sorts of cool drones and automated factories, we have smarts toasters and refrigerators you can play DOOM on. Its just biding its time until we have enough weapon drones. 

Crazy how all the violence started with the police.

I wonder what their whole policy is. A guy in my company seems to test positive for covid once a month. He has not worked 3 straight weeks in about a year. Company doesn’t ask for a doctors note or anything, he just takes 2 weeks off and comes back smiling. Somehow he didnt get covid during any of the paid holidays,

I’ve probably pulled the remains of a dozen cats out of engine bays. This one got lucky for sure.

I’ll inject myself with your stuff without complaint when you inject yourself with my stuff.

Trust the science! Trust the government! Only the government should have guns! They know whats best for you!

If you took the vaccine, you’re safe. Right?

Its the damn video games!

One of these days it will be socially acceptable to lynch people who are killing the environment.

The US government has already been caught in the past conducting experiments on civilians without their knowledge or consent. Minorities, children, and uneducated people. Now we have half the country DEMANDING the government force injections on the populations.