Boneyard Rendezvous

So we’re supposed to “grow up” to get past David and Jason leaving, but tell me, what level of maturity do we need to get past this roadblock bullshit? It’s hard to read the article when you can’t even fucking see it.

He was the one holding the gun, pointed at the victim, when it went off. He is also a producer on the project. There’s a pretty good chance he’s one of “the people actually responsible,” and I’m not entirely sure how any suit arising from this incident wouldn’t have him as a defendant.

Everyone in the story is a dickhead.  That is true.  

I feel pretty comfortable here saying that there are no heroes in this tale, just varying degrees of fragility and stupidity.  

It’s part of their training. If they can’t earn respect, they take it.

The guy’s a clown, but it doesn’t matter. The police are still wrong here.  Bunch of fragile thugs who can’t handle someone being mean to them but will turn around and crack someone’s skull as soon as the mood suits them.

The people protesting are not the property of the government. They are not the property of land holders. They are not serfs. They are not violent or racist. They just want to be free citizens of Canada.

You win! Even Tracy started with 2 of the same vehicle... :)

Can the Media take a break from paranoia virus?

G/O Media is now requiring that all dairy products relocate to the coasts. They will not be paid more.

Neil Young and Jodi who are has beens, and few care about their music. I just signed up for a Spotify premium account only to listen to Rogan. If he pisses these woke assholes off so much he must be good. Since when is it wrong to get the opinions of others on anything, and then have Nazis get upset about it. Woke and

Agreed, this is 30k too high for what you’re getting

Am I just hopelessly out of touch with trailer life that I don’t see $50,000 worth of value in this?

You know everyone watching the video was already playing the dukes of Hazzard theme in their heads. This idea that agencies always have to be humorless and stoic is wierd.

“...completely unprofessional way to communicate the dangers...”

Vigilante justice may be the only form of justice left. 

This is essentially a repost bro.  The only significant change is you added the photo of the ‘wall of water’.  I like to call them waves.  You lauded the incredible images and gave one lame one.  Just saying.

*waits for all the water carriers from the last post who constantly said Biden was -required- to continue with the leases*

“Start slideshow”