Boneyard Rendezvous

This would have been great if it happened years and years ago. I’m too heavily invested in steam to deal with setting up and running another launcher. If they want the game to launch a storefront or something when it loads, like borderlands, I’m fine with that. Otherwise, I’m just going to have to wait until they come

I despised the one I was required to be in. I was young and single, but still had to pay for their ridiculous family insurance plan because it was part of their negotiations. Even though I was excellent in my work, I was not allowed to be promoted ahead of the people who had been there longer, or was not allowed a

If I ever meet him, I’m going to tell him how cool it was that his parents named him after a video game.

That makes me want to dig out my old cars. I’ve probably got a small fortune in NiB spare parts and hop ups.

Learned my lesson with a speed demon nitro touring car. Spent a lot of time and money putting it together. Wrecked it and had pieces all bent to shit. Ended up putting half the plastic back on. I overbuild everything now. I double up my shock towers, and get the beefiest plastic parts I can.

They do have some manual ones. They shift off a switch on the remote. 3rd channel. They had some old gimmicky ones that used a servo on 3rd channel.

Its usually just a switch. I’m sure the technology has gotten better, but way back they were gimmicky and prone to breakage. The centrifugal 2 speeds were rock solid. 

Hard no. Thats a lot of money to let sit on a shelf. I know from personal experience that aluminum breaks faster than plastic. It might be stronger but once it goes, its gone. plastic has a bit of flex to it. I’ve dumped my 6s buggy going north of 80 mph, and it was fine outside of the new scuffs and reinstall a CV

I bet he stops before he makes it out of town. He will continue on, but his first breakdown will be in town.

There seems to be a lot of confusion here, so I’ll do my best to answer your question.

The AR-15 is a rifle, but its also known as a platform. There are vastly more AR-15 style rifles than actual AR-15s. This style can be used for both pistols and rifles, but there are restrictions on what you can legally do. You

Its not something they are selling as a package. Its a one-off that a customer requested. Its more like a parody than anything.

I’ll worry about it if the game ever makes it over to steam. The first one was fun, but not so great I’ll buy it somewhere else.

I’ve done this. We use penske because they have flat floors. Its easy enough to load off an old loading dock. Although we use trucks big enough to close the door.

Toe is probably the one that needs adjusted the most. You have a lot of long skinny pieces of metal used to steer thousands of pounds of metal. All it takes is parking your car into a curb too hard one time and its out of spec. Also, there are lots of joints and bushings that wear over time. Ends up with a lot of

I drive a bright red camaro. I rarely get tailgated, and I set the cruise at 5 over.

You should just gut the column and wire a button on your dash. Its not going to make it any worse than it is, it might be easier to steal, but that could be a win/win scenario. If you are going to live this life, you need to find something older. Something with a carb. Something that takes 3 wires to run, and

“People get on planes and think the pilot is in control,” TYT’s source said. “The pilot is not in control. They’re just hitting buttons. Controllers are keeping planes from hitting each other or the ground.”

Damn. I have some off-grid property I was hoping to stick a few of these on. The search continues.

Damn. I have some off-grid property I was hoping to stick a few of these on. The search continues.

It’s not all that bad. My graduating class was considered very large at 31 people. There were only 6 guys, so we never really fought over girls. Years passed, and I’ve lived in Commifornia, Texas, North Carolina, and spent a lot of time in other states for work. I moved back to my quiet hometown of ~200 people. I

Nice. I have a forced air wood burning stove, but I have natural gas as a backup. wood stove gets filled and runs about 8 hours, and if it gets too cold before i get off work the regular furnace kicks on.