But a WRX with Blizzaks is even better.
But a WRX with Blizzaks is even better.
Its a lot more carefree of a ride. Still moves pretty well, even higher MPG and you dont have to rev to 12k RPM in first gear, you can short shift a little easier.
Ninja nice/grom nice let’s all be nice.
I think you just need to try it to really get what they are about. Its not really the same experience. A 250 still feels more like a proper bike with a lot less power. The Grom feels like something your dad would have bought you as a kid that your mom REALLY didn’t want you to have, except it fits a full grown adult…
I’m not a beginner that wants a tiny bike..
One word
just general fuckery. Ninja 250 is a “full size” bike. the grom i can almost throw in the back of my xj. not to mention curb jumps and that kind of stuff.
Not exactly a good selection.
Not exactly a good selection.
Ummmm...I think $2800. Ish. I should know this. I'm not sure how the price of the warranty is calculated.
I wonder if Bogus Maximus still feels the same way now that I have his stereo? (and those cool speakers, and the TV [42"flatscreen...] and his laptop, and his Oreos)
I guess we'll have to wait for him to get a new laptop to find out!
This guy is constantly on TV talking about how huuuuuuuuuuge his deals are. You know you're in for a buggering if you went there to buy a car, new or used.
It usually takes about 7 minutes to hot wire the car. Then she checks her make-up, adjusts the mirrors and boom, at the office in 10 minutes.
How does it take 10 mins to drive 1/3 of mile?
The difference is that people actually buy all those other cars you mentioned.
Squid's Law.
You can withdraw all of your principal from Roth IRA early without penalty to bridge the time. Also, you can convert existing IRAs to Roth to start a Roth conversion ladder. Check out www.madfientist.com, if you haven't. It's great for some ways to help into early retirement.
Who says the blower needs to fit under the hood?
When I was working on my Poli Sci undergrad I really wanted to become a lobbyist, I think I may have finally found the cause I can really get behind.
"Hello Mr. Congressman, I'm Chris_K_F. I represent the Society for Hooning Imports and Flogging Tires, also known as SHIFT..."