Appreciate all the responses. I guess I’ll take up a new hobby.
Appreciate all the responses. I guess I’ll take up a new hobby.
Not to be alarmist, but this is some 30s Germany shit. Germany had been one of the most sexually progressive societies in the 1920s. Gender affirming healthcare was practiced and recognized under the Weimar Republic. Then under Hitler rights were slowly curtailed.
This is fucking over trans people in order to fuck Hillary Clinton’s awesome legacy as Secretary of State. Transgender passports was her initiative, her policy, her special administrative assist for people who were not able to travel in places like the Middle East without being…
You ever been to Pornhub? Wth all those ads, plenty of sponsorship opportunity there.
Makes sense: nothing says “family values” like brutal violence, repetitive head trauma, and domestic abuse.
Thanks, going to employ this.
Moved back.
“generic limit.”
You sound fat.
Again - when are these cop-callers going to be held responsible? The neighbor LIED TO THE POLICE when she denied making the call, and it would be so easy to trace the phone record.
Wow this guy is a huge piece of shit.
Ozone generator works wonders for getting the smell out.
Same ones who cost us tax payers MILLIONS of dollars every year by flicking them out into the tinder dry brush and burning down forests and homes. If we weren’t wasting resources for petty fires like that we could better spread them on the natural caused fires currently destroying the West and ruining our air.
I kept waiting for the punchline and it never came. Are you actually literally serious that you think it is “so shameful” for a racist to get booed by a multi-racial fan base at his first public away-game in the most diverse home city in baseball? You want us to believe that you came here and wrote all of that stuff…
I don’t think this is that big of a deal. Now if people are threatening his life (I’m sure somebody has by now) then that guy has gone too far. But I don’t think that by yelling “You suck” you are quite as bad as a 17 year old who shit posts the N-word. And to compare this to a person rebuilding their life after…
At the end of the day, we all just root for laundry.
Life Among the Savages, yes! That was on my parents’ bookshelf for many years; it resonated because we too were a large family (6 kids).
I’ve always thought the same thing. Here’s a fun game:
I love that the American Dream of one day getting rich is the brass ring that keeps most people voting like idiots against their own self-interest. One day they may need the tax break that the 1% get, and may be able to pay for private schools and private healthcare and be able to be “better” than the people that they…